Watched Will's interview:
- Reeve Superman is on the top of the list. Just not sure when preorders will be ready but hoping late 2025/2026 as mentioned in their second stream.
- Aiming for around 10-12 preorders per year.
- Batfleck is about 80-90% there. Ivan said they're really close with that one.
- June/July for Catwoman. Aimed for middle of the year.
- Talked about how good of a job HT did on Bane. Ivan doesn’t really see where they could improve on it.
- They're in the middle of talks for Terminator with the licensor so they're not able to say anything atm.
- Vehicles are not happening any time soon. They tried and found they're not good with it. Maybe in the future.
- Said for Chainsaw man "Getting license approval is such a pain in the ass!"
- They definitely want to stick to completing what they have before moving on. Meaning they don't want to move onto Two Tower or Return of the King before being done with Fellowship.
- This connects to them showing GOT so early. They don't want to start a new series without having multiple characters/figures in the pipeline. They don't want to just do Jon and Daenerys. They want to be able to put those two up for preorder while having more characters/figures to follow them shortly after.
- This applies to Matrix as well. They're not going to just do one character (Neo) and move on. They would do the trinity (Trinity & Morpheus) so that the series is "complete".
- Walking Dead aimed for March/April after CNY. All 3 are pretty much finished. Waiting on likeness approval so that's the uncertainty. He said that for a lot of Marvel/Disney properties, likeness approval isn't needed but Walking Dead is not that case.
- Frodo/Sam might be end of the year but likely early 2026
@Wor-Gar Probably misheard him on the other stream or he misspoke. His english is a tad broken at times.
- Said probably 2-3 years to do the full Fellowship but he’s probably just taking a wild guess since it’s so early. 5-6 seems more realistic.
- If they do Gandalf the White, everything would be new. New sculpt, new hands, new accessories, everything. Not reusing.
- RND cost is extremely expensive atm, contributing to the high prices. They're hoping that as their revenue goes up, they can reduce the prices across the board for all lines.
- They have the license for Gunns Superman. They have talked with their design team already but the costume has changed throughout development. Effects how fast they're able to make a figure. Talks about how much of a mess Black Adam was in that regards.
- Licensor for Ledger Joker reached out saying it was going to expire soon unless if they showed some sign of development for a new figure. Ivan seemed to suggest that there might not be anymore Ledger Jokers in the future once this expires for everyone. Laughed and said which most people will probably be happy about.
- They asked the licensor hundreds of times if they can do Nurse Joker but was denied. Bank Robber version was mentioned as something they can possibly do. Still way too early to say.
- Bruce Lee will be fully silicone. They’ve been experimenting with it for a while now trying to nail it. Seamless neck to head, wrist, etc etc. Mentioned at one point, the body had a 20% success rate and 80% failure. Some parts they have figured out and other parts they don’t. Actively working on it.