Questions for Asmus

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Asmus has had some missteps along the way but which company hasn't (even the mighty Hot Toys and new kids inart have their share of controversies). But I can't help but root for Asmus because they have interacted with us on the board and they have always seemed like genuine fans of the property.

Now that inart have taken steps into the fellowship of the ring licence with two great figures and at least two more on the horizon, it falls to Asmus to play the sideshow to Hot Toys with Star Wars figures. There is definitely room in middle-earth for two 1/6 figure companies but Asmus need to be strategic in their figure selection.

So avoid any character looks that inart are likely to make, go for army builders (especially bad guys so you can re-use bodies or armour pieces), pick characters that Asmus have not yet covered, re-do others but in a different outfit whilst offer head upgrades for their existing figures.

The following figures spring to mind for me:
1. Haldir
2. Gil-galad
3. Elrond (hobbit armour or Council of elrond robes)
4. Boromir in gondor armour with banner
5. Eowyn shield maiden dress
6. King ellesar (or Aragorn's Black Gate armour)
7. Lurtz (Ugluk, generic uruk)
8. Shagrat & Gorbag
9. Sharku on warg (could reuse the warg for a release of gothmog or hobbit warg rider)
10. Frodo and Sam in orc armour, Merry in rohan armour and Pippin in Gondor armour
11. Grima Wormtongue
12. Denethor
13. Gamling with rohan banner
14. Thranduil
15. Radaghast
16. Isildur
17. Elendil
18. King of the dead
19. Peter Jackson as Corsair captain
20. Generic Rohan armour, gondor armour, helms deep elven armour, nemenorian armour.