Raiders of the Lost Ark in Imax!!!!

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Saw it last night.... man was it great to see this on the big screen again. I was 10 when it originaly came out so this was sweet. I loved every moment of it. They must have run out of posters though since I didn't see any.
Not Aliens, but Alien. Would love to see that on the big screen. Never got a chance when it came out originally.

Well we were talking Cameron movies so Alien wasn't an option. ;) I've seen Alien twice on the big screen since 1979 (and yeah one was the nationwide director's cut release about 10 years back.) It really is spectacular.

But I've seen Aliens twice on the big screen as well and with the pulse rifle audio and 1:85:1 aspect ratio I think it's better suited to an IMAX release.
Sorry, I read over the reference to Cameron films. But yeah, Aliens definitely before Avatar or Titanic. How about the Abyss?

The extended run of Raiders, is that IMAX or regular theater?

Seeing all of the movies today was a blast. Nice to finally have seen raiders and tod in the theaters.
^ That's the coolest thing i've seen today. I wish I could've gone. But I made plans and forgot about it. :(

Oh well. At least I saw Raiders. I can live with TOD and LC on Blu Ray.
Raiders of the Lost Ark; it is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made. However, it was made a little over a decade before I was. Tonight, for the first and probably last time ever, I got to experience it the way it was meant to be experienced; in a theater, with no digital alterations other than remastered picture and sound...and it only cost me $1.00.
Raiders of the Lost Ark; it is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made. However, it was made a little over a decade before I was. Tonight, for the first and probably last time ever, I got to experience it the way it was meant to be experienced; in a theater, with no digital alterations other than remastered picture and sound...and it only cost me $1.00.

There were still digital alterations in the film. :lol
Raiders of the Lost Ark; it is, in my opinion, one of the greatest films ever made. However, it was made a little over a decade before I was. Tonight, for the first and probably last time ever, I got to experience it the way it was meant to be experienced; in a theater, with no digital alterations other than remastered picture and sound...and it only cost me $1.00.

:clap congratulations!

And they haven't made a better adventure movie in your lifetime.
Better, no. But Avengers is up there in terms of having an awesome good time.

Raiders is still king. And always will be.
If you count restoration, and color correction, then yes.

I would too, to a degree. But it's not the kind we're used too from Lucasfilm.

Try again. The cobra was removed from the glass in the Well of the Souls and the black bar removed from the boulder in the beginning sequence with the Fertility Idol. Speilberg's opinion of altering films apparently doesn't include his own. :lol
^ Forgot about those. There's nothing at all wrong with that. Any film fan would welcome changes like that. The problem comes into play when a change alters the film itself, it's story, characters or scenes.

A simple replacement of an effect, or touch up isn't something people mind. But changing the character is.
^ Forgot about those. There's nothing at all wrong with that. Any film fan would welcome changes like that. The problem comes into play when a change alters the film itself, it's story, characters or scenes.

A simple replacement of an effect, or touch up isn't something people mind. But changing the character is.

You mean like taking guns out of the hands of federal agents and replacing them with radios? :lol
^ Exactly like that. Hence why he released both versions, and said he will never do anything like that again. Which he hasn't. That Indy edit was from 2007 or 8.

Spielberg understands his fans. Thankfully/
He hasn't buried his original films. I have all the Indiana Jones flicks, Jaws, and Close Encounters on Blu Ray. None of them are changed, aside from Close Encounters, and that one has every version possible.

So i'm not sure what you're getting at. Any film fan cannot be mad at Spielberg for anything, outside of that godawful ET edit. But he fixed that mistake, and everything is right.