"I'm always trying to push the fact that this is art. This is not toys or collectibles... this is something to be proud of, something to HOLD, something to keep on. It truly is an investment," stated turbo.VS.ozone.
: act or an instance of contradicting
a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something
b : a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other <a round square is a contradiction in terms>
a : logical incongruity
b : a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another
Post 1471 by Turbo the Supreme clientele
post 1458 by Mr. checkered shirt, flat brim rockin' NY home skillet:
But then was this:
Oh, sorry... that was Teddy Daniels' post, #1459 - he always mentioned the "charm" Turbo just raved about, after some time of discontent with initial pics shown.