Just starting to catch up with the suggestions being thrown around and I agree with most of them. The vest could definitely use some color tweaks here and there but I have to say I'm impressed with it even as is (although I am hoping that the proper changes will be made). Denny always says that he can't make custom patterns unless he buys 1000 yards of a fabric. When it comes to these obscure patterns Iminime seems to have a hard time coming anywhere close to as accurate as this vest (i.e. Tyler's plane jacket, Tylers penguin shirt, it was just announced that they can't do both accurate color and pattern for Walt's green shirt; so it has to be one or the other, etc.). I'm really hoping that the right changes can be made here to make it as accurate as possible, but I have to applaud the fact that a pattern this difficult was achieved to 80% accuracy on the first go.
The body choice is my biggest qualm with this whole thing. The arms of a TTM21 have nothing to do with the Butcher's build. I wish more people spoke up when I was saying that the KO was the way to go for this. I also should have mentioned it earlier than I did and maybe made a little more noise about it. I wonder if it's too late and if ALL of the outfits are done or just the sample proto. If it's too late to have this fit for a KO, I wonder if he could just have the sleeves slimmed down for a better fit. As is, it would be an improvement if it were slimmer still on the 21.
Aside from what everyone else has mentioned (hat colors, vest colors, slimmer sleeves, dark stripe of the pants a bit darker) the two things that jump out at me are the pig and the shillelagh. I was joking when I said
throw some paint on that pig... but I really thought he was

. He left it like the natural color of the resin that he used which looks grey-ish white and not the pale pink of a pig's skin color. Not a huge deal but I think the center color where the notches are on the shillelagh is a shade or two darker than it is on screen.