Origami still hasn't replied to me so we will see...I will also take the time to apologize to AJK for my snipe comments towards him but I cannot and will not take back the comments about RM needing to do something to his site or changing his server because at the end of the day...these are high end Collectibles which are worth a lot...there is no excuse as to why there can't be a more organized or structured system in place...but I digress...
origami...please reply to my PM...thanks
I think everyone agrees with you. We must understand, and i do, cause i barely snagged separates.... that this will happen to all of us at one point in time, and there is massive scope for improvements by RM.
i know some may disagree but i am a hard core iminime fan and i feel there is phenomenal difference and value in having an official spokesperson like wake / Omar... Its an asset that rainman will have to engage at some point in time so that he can focus on art and someone on business.
Many a time people give a reason that he is a one man show, but he does outsource his clothing's and also all h+c and separates are painted by aeon, so what stops him from expanding a bit further, not like he has to paint it himself and so long he can catch someone of the same quality as aeon. Lastly headsculpts painted by aeon are still available, its the clothing set that is gone... So, unless i am wrong in my assumption but he does not make clothing himself anyways right? Or does he stitch them too? If not then its crazy not to get more clothing sets made for future releases.
If you go back and read the old RM threads he used to have people on here as spokespersons for each project but it descended into chaos..lol it would be good if he had an impartial person to help organize sometimes. RM does not make the clothes you are correct he has s tailor that makes all the clothing for his figures. If he made more sets well, that defeats the limited nature of his work. RM is not Iminimie they both have seperate goals, Denny wants to expand his business, and RM seems fine with the scope of his smaller operation. As far as him not painting them an having Aeon do all painting?, well thats the reason people collect the Full sets as theyre all painted by RM himself.
OMG SCORE!!!!! Screw all of you , I got the Limited, limited Bill the BUTCHER
View attachment 101629
Hey, wait a minute, that's the guy who does my landscaping!
If you go back and read the old RM threads he used to have people on here as spokespersons for each project but it descended into chaos..lol it would be good if he had an impartial person to help organize sometimes. RM does not make the clothes you are correct he has s tailor that makes all the clothing for his figures. If he made more sets well, that defeats the limited nature of his work. RM is not Iminimie they both have seperate goals, Denny wants to expand his business, and RM seems fine with the scope of his smaller operation. As far as him not painting them an having Aeon do all painting?, well thats the reason people collect the Full sets as theyre all painted by RM himself.
Origami still hasn't replied to me so we will see...I will also take the time to apologize to AJK for my snipe comments towards him but I cannot and will not take back the comments about RM needing to do something to his site or changing his server because at the end of the day...these are high end Collectibles which are worth a lot...there is no excuse as to why there can't be a more organized or structured system in place...but I digress...
origami...please reply to my PM...thanks
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Anyone who likes long walks on the beach, foot rubs and hot chocolate please pm me.
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