Rainman Project (Crazy Dog Stansfield)

Collector Freaks Forum

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Mine and Teddys are now classed as " on shipping ".
Not sure if that means they've shipped or if they're in the process of being shipped.
Mine and Teddys are now classed as " on shipping ".
Not sure if that means they've shipped or if they're in the process of being shipped.


:hi5: awesome buddy, tempted to come get these from you again and come say hello :)
Hi all,

All shipped 24 Nov. thank you for your cheering.

btw, Wow. I got it. yesterday. It's amazing!! HAHA~
just phone camera. so, poor quality. plz understand.





pills are very very tiny. wow~ so cute!! I don't believe it.

plz be careful open this case!! do not lose!!

becasue, pills and case are very tiny. We couldn't make it by metal. sorry.
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On viewing again, I hope it is just the camera quality, but the hair looks very dark and the eyes very bright.

Guess I shall see soon enough. :)