I have but no response! Look if this isn't important to the majority of people who are seriously going to buy the twins then I'll leave it alone and possibly pass on it, but if some of ya'll see what I'm getting at then can we get with it already? Nobody noticed this ****?
Is this what it's gonna look like? Yes they are twins but WTF man, does the hair gotta look exactly the same too!
I can understand your point that it will be be better if there were subtle changes on the hair for each of them, but that would mean another additional mold being made, and time spent for rainman to sculpt it. Which would also mean higher price.
Maybe if it bothers you that much, create a thread with polls and see how many are actually bothered by it and if they'd be ok with the price bump. Not a guarantee that rainman will make changes, but it's worth the shot.