Rainmans Dr. Huckleberry

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Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

i hope so :) i have to decide whether i go full set on this or pee wee (stupidly expensive couple months elsewhere coming up). the proto doc head looks pretty great though. may have me swayed.
Barring a Chairy DX accessory that I would have to try to maneuver my way into obtaining somehow :D , I'm thinking about going outfit/head sets for both of these. Roundabouts $900-1000 for two figures while either one would probably be $750-800 by itself? I guess it's a "quantity over quality" perspective when you lose out on that awesome Rainman paintjob, and on whatever the full set exclusive item is, but. . .sometimes 2 figures are better than one when money doesn't grow on trees. And you still get the awesome sculpt, clothing, and accessories.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

A little OT, but don't everyone forget that Rainman is most likely going to sneak BTTF 2 Marty in there as well :panic:
Yeah, and the "Doc" discussions have confused me sometimes, when I've thought people were talking about a Doc Brown figure I was not privvy to. But I guess they were always talking about this guy :(
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry


is it confirmed which outfit he is wearing?
Really like this one...not sure if its the same but I think its the same one he was wearing when he first met Johnny Ringo.

The final showdown is cool also, but this just looks a tad cooler in my opinion.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Yeah, and the "Doc" discussions have confused me sometimes, when I've thought people were talking about a Doc Brown figure I was not privvy to. But I guess they were always talking about this guy :(

Yeah, I don't believe Doc Brown has been confirmed yet, but Marty v2 definitely has :yess: I'm guessing/hoping in between Doc Holiday and Pee Wee.

oh no he ain' chil'

Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Barring a Chairy DX accessory that I would have to try to maneuver my way into obtaining somehow :D , I'm thinking about going outfit/head sets for both of these. Roundabouts $900-1000 for two figures while either one would probably be $750-800 by itself? I guess it's a "quantity over quality" perspective when you lose out on that awesome Rainman paintjob, and on whatever the full set exclusive item is, but. . .sometimes 2 figures are better than one when money doesn't grow on trees. And you still get the awesome sculpt, clothing, and accessories.

i hear you. i was actually thinking i might just get the clothing set for both as well. of the rainman stuff i have only one full figure - angel eyes, and he's my favourite. i imagine a full figure doc could top it. but i still think his best full figure to date is bill the butcher. i missed that one coz i had no interest in the film at the time. having seen it again recently, i'm still not enamoured with the movie, but damn if that performance and character alone aren't worth being represented on the shelf with a figure.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Yeah, I don't believe Doc Brown has been confirmed yet, but Marty v2 definitely has :yess: I'm guessing/hoping in between Doc Holiday and Pee Wee.


Wow didn't know that :yess:

This will definately be the Rainman Marty for me

Will it be a full figure by Rainman do you know Dane?
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Wow didn't know that :yess:

This will definately be the Rainman Marty for me

Will it be a full figure by Rainman do you know Dane?

As far as I know, it's going to be just the clothing and accessories again this time around, to go with Trevor's BTTF 2 sculpt. But my guess is he will probably be up for painting some Trevor sculpts and doing "fullsets" like with version 1 :exactly:
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

As far as I know, it's going to be just the clothing and accessories again this time around, to go with Trevor's BTTF 2 sculpt. But my guess is he will probably be up for painting some Trevor sculpts and doing "fullsets" like with version 1 :exactly:

Oh bummer :(

I was really hoping for the full Rainman schbang!

I love Trev's Marty but I will pass afterall
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

is it confirmed which outfit he is wearing?
Really like this one...not sure if its the same but I think its the same one he was wearing when he first met Johnny Ringo.

The final showdown is cool also, but this just looks a tad cooler in my opinion.

As stated in the first post, is the final showdown outfit. :duff

Agree though, that pic would have been my personal pick.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Ah, thx Snake.
agreed, that outfit in the pic is my personal favorite, but next would be the showdown outfit, so no biggie.
Very much looking forward to this figure.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Just realised the guns are missing parts:



He did make the cylinder pin under the barrels. Look at the blurred out revolver on the right in the 1st and 2nd pic, he made that part seperately and forgot to put them in the photos or they aren't ready.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

How far in advance will we have the po date, I want to make sure I'm free during that time.

I'm going for the full set no doubt, don't think I'd go for the dx if it's still going to be the hatless extra sickly sculpt, not paying extra for something I wouldn't use.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Hey guys.

Spoke to rainman and have a few points re the guns:

He said about casting the guns in metal as, he is worried customers may break the mechanisms or rub off the paint easily. I mentioned people would probably sooner have resin casts with more details even if we have to be more careful.

Also he mentioned his team looked at the colts re the underbarrels but they could not find anything. Again, I said people would most likely prefer his artistic interpretation on them even if they are not perfectly accurate rather than them not being there at all.

Your thoughts on these points would be appreiated guys.

Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

thanks snake.

think personally, i'd still prefer resin guns.

about the underbarrels, i think it would be cool if they're there even if not 100% accurate. if he doesn't put them on, in a way they're even more inaccurate.

however, personally, neither of these are deal breakers.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Definitely agree with giving it the artist interpretation, even if it's not accurate. Without the under barrels, the guns look a little bare. Even before the inaccuracies were bought up, they looked like something was missing. And that's exactly what it was.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I would like him to make the under barrels, they would look odd without them, I'm cool with them not being accurate.

As regards the resin or metal, paint rubs and damage would be most likely to occur with constant handling, which I don't think many of us will/should be doing with one of these figures, so I'm happy with the resin simply because I know I won't be touching those guns very often.