I got the head/outfit set, and I think I still have one of those older TTs. If so, I'll give it a shot.I'd like to see this on an old TrueType with the massive shoulders, that thing can do wonders with balancing out larger sculpts.
I got the head/outfit set, and I think I still have one of those older TTs. If so, I'll give it a shot.I'd like to see this on an old TrueType with the massive shoulders, that thing can do wonders with balancing out larger sculpts.
Mine hit these shores and is in Chicago!!!
I'd like to see this on an old TrueType with the massive shoulders, that thing can do wonders with balancing out larger sculpts.
Just picked up my H+C set on the way to work and even though could only do a quick check of the contents.... wow no words. ...need to pick up an appropriate body for this soon...also picked up a bill painted sculpt and wow that paint app....tight tight tight!
Are you talking about the 01 with the Cruise sculpt?
So is this the first H&C to report in? I guess no transponder, huh?
I received mine but Rainman forgot to include a transponder for me.
The paint job is great.
I received mine but Rainman forgot to include a transponder for me.
The paint job is great.
Yeah, the first stand alone TT release with the Cruise head had the broad shoulders.
Scores of old Hot Toys figures had them. It wasn't until recently that they started going crazy with narrow shoulders, character specific bodies, etc.Damn! You can't find them on ebay, any other body with big shoulders like that one?
How do the boots connect?