I suppose not with this being the first release without an H&C package
Marla was 25 FS... no H&C. Crazy release.
I suppose not with this being the first release without an H&C package
PopCultKid;7914273 I know that Father Merrin preformed an exorcism previously (his experience is why they called on him) said:I WILL convince thee!! The David Copperfield like power of Christ compels me.
You're correct that Pazuzu is never mentioned by name in the movie. The novel makes it more clear from the outset that Merrin has previously encountered the same demon that will possess Regan later on. When he finds the artefact, his inner dialogue says that 'It is happening again' and that he is ready to face Pazuzu 'once more'.*Also, in the book, before the exorcism begins, Regan mocks Merrin and states that he “will not win this time.” Which sets up the idea that Merrin had, at one point, exorcised Pazuzu from another living being in the past.*
[Page 311]"There is one....only one. It is a demon." There was silence. Then Merrin stated simply, "I know you doubt this. But you see, this demon...I have met once before. And he is powerful....powerful".
Anyway, that's my last attempt. Feel like I'm interupting the serious business of people talking about unscrupulous figure flippers and...err...Lakhota rubbing his junk over Bart Simpsons preferred mode of transport.
I suppose not with this being the first release without an H&C package
To be truthfully honest I only saw it once and couldn't even tell you the story, when that ***** starts crawling backwards up the stairs and stabbing herself with the crucifixion that's enough for me.
I'm hoping for you too bro. I hope this could stay open long enough for all true fans who really want this to snag it for retail.
I just wish Rainman offered some kind of plan to let you make 2 or 3 payments instead of all at once. I'd love to get this, but I just don't have 1200 at once to do it, and don't see the point of getting either version without the bed...
I WILL convince thee!! The David Copperfield like power of Christ compels me.
You're correct that Pazuzu is never mentioned by name in the movie. The novel makes it more clear from the outset that Merrin has previously encountered the same demon that will possess Regan later on. When he finds the artefact, his inner dialogue says that 'It is happening again' and that he is ready to face Pazuzu 'once more'.*Also, in the book, before the exorcism begins, Regan mocks Merrin and states that he “will not win this time.” Which sets up the idea that Merrin had, at one point, exorcised Pazuzu from another living being in the past.*
[Page 311]"There is one....only one. It is a demon." There was silence. Then Merrin stated simply, "I know you doubt this. But you see, this demon...I have met once before. And he is powerful....powerful".
Anyway, that's my last attempt. Feel like I'm interupting the serious business of people talking about unscrupulous figure flippers and...err...Lakhota rubbing his junk over Bart Simpsons preferred mode of transport.
Man, I oughta be ashamed of myself to forget sweet Luce. Which reminded me of Stewart too.
And I stand corrected on Marla, never realized she only was offered in FS. So I guess this would be the 4th set that only came as FS.
When did you watch it? The spider walk wasn't even in the theatrical cut. Just a deleted scene that developed a bit of a cult reputation over the years and was eventually edited back in for one of the more recent reissues. 'The Version You've Never Seen' or something like that.
I just wish Rainman offered some kind of plan to let you make 2 or 3 payments instead of all at once. I'd love to get this, but I just don't have 1200 at once to do it, and don't see the point of getting either version without the bed...
Look the number of the " members who have read this thread"
Damn. Shipping is $66.60, and 666 members have read this thread.Look the number of the " members who have read this thread"
Damn. Shipping is $66.60, and 666 members have read this thread.
It popped up in a couple of other times too. Stiff posted something significant on #666 and there was another instance or two that I'm forgetting