Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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I personally think it's foolish to declare the perfection of a sculpt without even seeing it's eyes. :duh

If he'd been shown with glasses on, I doubt there would've been the gripes about the Durden sculpt as the eyes were the bits that were off.
Norton could never match this. I have no idea how a guy in boxer shorts, tshirt and a trench coat could ever be an amazing figure design or more impressive than the Tyler figure. Even if done 100% accurate, it's a plain, boring costume and nowhere near the detail, originality, flash or complexity of Tyler or Marla. Only the beaten and bloody paint would give it any pizazz at all.

he could give us 2 headsculpt; clean and beaten up ones to sweeten the deal on norton.

although I doubt that we'd be getting those, since thats unlikely of rainman to do so.

but yeah, I agree, marla looks far more impressive compared to tyler, for some reason.
accuracy, perfection, looking like the character... whatever term floats yer boat. :duff

I do admit I question the validity of the critiques and opinions I read sometimes, as it seems I'm the only one who notices stuff like the inaccuracy of the sunglasses and such. :p
semantics. :huh If you don't think Rainman's Tyler looks like the character and isn't instantly recognizable as Tyler Durden then I don't know what to say. Now the degree of accuracy to Pitt's likeness is debatable and certainly varies with individual opinion, but to say it isn't in the ballpark of 'Tyler Durden-ness' would be a fallacy.
We'll have to agree to be reading different books. Because mine doesn't read the same way.

Anyone that wears a Durden outfit is "Durdenish" they aren't Pitt "Durdenish" though which is my point.
Ah, 'character' and 'actor' are not synonymous in my book.

Does this one look exactly like HBC? so far so good but to say this is a more accurate likeness than the Pitt sculpt without seeing the eyes, a focal point and one of the most important aspects, especially when that was what was off with the Pitt one, is wrongheaded imo. But you said it was more impressive than the Durden sculpt, and in that the rooted hair raises the bar of detail and complexity and looks fantastic, then yes, I completely agree. :) :duff
this is no criticism of rainman, or anyone who's bought the sculpt, since these things are all subjective. but i think the sculpt lacked character in the eyes and mouth area. there just seemed to be very little durden coming through in my opinion. no menace or energy.
no menace or energy.

Funny. I don't think of spikey haired Tyler Durden as menacing or aggressive at all. :huh

He's a laid back, happy-go-lucky smart alec and is smiling or grinning most of the film. Everything's a joke or punchline to him.
Only once he reappears with the shaven head does he become menacing, mirroring the switch in tone and seriousness of the film.
Ah, 'character' and 'actor' are not synonymous in my book.

Does this one look exactly like HBC? so far so good but to say this is a more accurate likeness than the Pitt sculpt without seeing the eyes, a focal point and one of the most important aspects, especially when that was what was off with the Pitt one, is wrongheaded imo. But you said it was more impressive than the Durden sculpt, and in that the rooted hair raises the bar of detail and complexity and looks fantastic, then yes, I completely agree. :) :duff

In my opinion if it's a human actor sans makeup playing a human character in the film, the actor and character can't help but be synonymous in regards to a static sculpture. It's the only thing left to define what is being presented. For me anyways if I were to have a sculpture of Brad Pitt that looked like Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden and put him in a random street clothes outfit, my mind would say is that Tyler Durden? If I had a sculpture of someone that doesn't look like Brad Pitt wearing a Tyler Durden outfit, my mind would say is that supposed to be Brad Pitt? I think I just blacked out for a minute.:lol
In my opinion if it's a human actor sans makeup playing a human character in the film, the actor and character can't help but be synonymous in regards to a static sculpture. It's the only thing left to define what is being presented. For me anyways if I were to have a sculpture of Brad Pitt that looked like Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden and put him in a random street clothes outfit, my mind would say is that Tyler Durden? If I had a sculpture of someone that doesn't look like Brad Pitt wearing a Tyler Durden outfit, my mind would say is that supposed to be Brad Pitt? I think I just blacked out for a minute.:lol

For me, they're separate elements, likeness and performance, actor and character. It's like 'Lee Van Cleef as Col. Mortier' sculpt vs 'Lee Van Cleef as Angel Eyes' sculpt. It's not just about the hair or makeup, it's all about the attitude of the sculpt, the countenance, performance and soul in the sculpt - the character. Even if we all agreed that the Tyler sculpt was a near perfect rendition of Pitt, 8thsamurai for example doesn't really feel the character in the sculpt. A truly great sculpt should look like both the actor and the character. For me, Rainman's Tyler is pretty spot on in both counts and has enough of both to satisfy.
Fair enough. For me the likeness is the most important and I didn't see any to warrant going for it. Hopefully the Norton will be closer for me to jump in. I'm still waiting for that one Rainman piece that makes me want to pull the trigger. His presentation is top notch.
The Norton is a must. You cant have two Pitts, Marla and no Norton, there will always be 50 percent of the equation missing. I hope Rainman does him next and for those who say his outfit is boring or simple the solution is just to include a few sets of outfits, clean, bloody, boxers etc. plus lots of extras.
maybe Norton can include 2 heads and 2 sets of clothing and the secret item can be Meatloaf as Bob. :lol :duh
accuracy, perfection, looking like the character... whatever term floats yer boat. :duff

I do admit I question the validity of the critiques and opinions I read sometimes, as it seems I'm the only one who notices stuff like the inaccuracy of the sunglasses and such. :p

You're not the only one who notices inaccuracies as I'm a pretty picky person when it comes to details and likenesses as well - perhaps it's just that some of us don't swing by these boards to comment often enough, myself included (my post count is still waaay under 100 and I've been on the boards for a good half year). Oftentimes, by the time I see stuff on here, the subject has already been changed or the "problem" fixed. :huh

I too hope Rainman fixes the nose on Marla, and yes, those glasses are definitely 'off'. The glasses shown weren't custom, were they? My assumption is Rainman found shades that looked "close enough" to what Marla wore. I can only imagine that manufacturing glasses in small quantities for 1/6 scale figures would be quite costly.

Regardless, I'm still hopeful for better/improved shades too.
You're not the only one who notices inaccuracies as I'm a pretty picky person when it comes to details and likenesses as well - perhaps it's just that some of us don't swing by these boards to comment often enough, myself included (my post count is still waaay under 100 and I've been on the boards for a good half year). Oftentimes, by the time I see stuff on here, the subject has already been changed or the "problem" fixed. :huh

I too hope Rainman fixes the nose on Marla, and yes, those glasses are definitely 'off'. The glasses shown weren't custom, were they? My assumption is Rainman found shades that looked "close enough" to what Marla wore. I can only imagine that manufacturing glasses in small quantities for 1/6 scale figures would be quite costly.

Regardless, I'm still hopeful for better/improved shades too.

'close enough' simply wont do for me, sorry.

Not for $650.

The reason why we are getting this from rainman is because accuracy, accuracy and accuracy.

I think I can do a marla, slap a COA on it, some fancy box and try to sell it here just as much as the next person, but how well it sells depends on the accuracy of the actual figure itself.