Rank the EXO-6 Figures (Released Figures Only)

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Super Freak
May 10, 2015
Reaction score
Now that there is a small break in releases this seems like a good way to fill the gap.
It’s okay to rank figures that one doesn’t own or hasn’t seen in hand, but this information should be shared in the ranking to provide context.
With that said, here is my personal ranking:

1. Sisko
2. Mirror Sulu
3. TMP Spock
4. TMP Kirk
5. Data
6. Mirror Spock
7. Saru
8. Tuvok
9. Picard
10. EMH
11. Burnham
12. Janeway
13. Q (Q is the only figure that I do not own, but now I feel like a completist and will probably pick him up. He will possibly creep past Janeway and Burnham once I see him in hand.
Admiral Kirk
TMP Spock
Mirror Sulu
FC Data
FC Picard
Mirror Spock
Janeway (I like the sculpt, but the paint app is soft)
1. TMP Spock
2. TMP Kirk
3. Mirror Sulu
4. Sisko
5. Mirror Spock
6. Data
7. Saru
8. Q
9. Picard
10. EMH
11. Janeway
12. Burnham
13. Tuvok
1. saru
2.TMP kirk
3.TMP Spock
4. Sisko
5. FC Data
7. mirror Sulu
8. Tuvok
9. FC Picard
10. Mirror Spock
11. Q
12. Michael
13. emh
Fun thread!

And the CORRECT answer is:

1. Saru
2. TMP Spock
3. TMP Kirk
4. Mirror Sulu
5. DS9 Sisko
6. FC Data
7. Tuvok
8. Mirror Spock
9. Q
10. FC Picard (just not a fan of that sculpt)
11. Burnham
12. Janeway
13. EMH
Full disclosure…I struggled with my one and two rankings…Sisko is my favorite Captain, so that obviously influences my objectivity in ranking the figure, and I’m not a huge fan of Sulu, Mirror or otherwise, with that said…Mirror Sulu isn’t just the best head sculpt that EXO-6 has produced, it is one of the best 1/6 scale head sculpts…EVER.
Definitely rivals ANYTHING that Hot Toys has released!
Of the ones I currently have I would say:

1. Admiral Kirk
2. Mirror Sulu
3. Sisko
4. Mirror Spock
5. Judge Q
6. FC Data
7. FC Picard
8. Janeway
9. EMH

I feel like when TMP Spock arrives in a few days he’ll probably move into the number two or three spot. I’ll be getting Tuvok soon too.

Admiral Kirk is a beautiful figure all around. Very much basic but just love how it looks.

Mirror Sulu was such a surprise to me. I too am not much of a fan of Sulu but the alternate Mirror Universe look he has is just cool. The scar on the face, the messed up hair, him wearing a red tunic versus a gold one. Just a cool looking figure.

I want to place Data and Picard higher but neither are in my favorite look and the sculpts are okay but definitely feel like early releases which weren’t as refined.
I'm basing my choices more on capturing the essence of the character than pinpoint accuracy of the head sculpt, although many of the head sculpts are fantastic. The lines between each are razor thin and I bounced back and forth on placing most of them, to be honest:

1. FC Data - (What a wonderful debut to EXO-6. Still my favorite figure(s), as I have two, each displaying a different head sculpt.)
2. Mirror Sulu - (All around perfect figure. That head sculpt is creepy-good. Love the MM uniforms, too.)
3. TMP Spock - (Both TMP Spock and Kirk truly capture those characters when first reintroduced in TMP.)
4. TMP Kirk - (See TMP Spock above.)
5. Sisko - (The eyes are a tiny bit beady but the overall head sculpt captured the bad-ass captain very well.)
6. Q - (Difficult to display without his throne/chair but it is a perfect "Q".)
7. Janeway - (Sculpt is a tiny bit soft but dang if it doesn't capture Katherine Janeway when on display. Love this figure.)
8. Mirror Spock - (Great character and I love the outfit. The sculpt was good but not a perfect "10", for me.)
9. EMH - (This one keeps growing on me and if asked to re-baseline my list in a few months, he may just jump up several spots.)
10. Tuvok - (Good looking sculpt hampered by the "wonky eye syndrome". If not for that, he would have bumped up a few spots.)
11. FC Picard - (Initial Picard sculpt which while a good one, isn't a 100% for me. Still a must-have figure.)
12. Burnham - (I don't have this figure but do appreciate the head sculpt and uniform detailing.)
13. Saru - (see Burnham above.)
Last edited:
1. Sisko
2.TMP Kirk
3.TMP Spock
4. Mirror Sulu
5. Saru
6. FC Data
7. Q
8. FC Picard
9. Mirror Spock
10. EMH
11. Tuvok
12. Janeway
13. Burnham
That I have:

FC Data
TMP Spock
Mirror Sulu
TMP Kirk
Mirror Spock
FC Picard

On PO rankings: just photos
Borg Capt
7 of 9
OH this is a really fun question. So far, if I'm correct the only one I've skipped is Burnham. Both because I don't care much for DSC and because she looks a lot cooler NOW in the 30th C uni.

1. Sisko. I don't see the complaints about the headsculpt some have had; I think he looks perfect. And with the added clothing and accessories I can't think of anything else I'd want that isn't here.
2. Saru. I hate DSC. But I bought him on a whim, and MAN, what a great figure. The attention to detail on the costume is INSANE. He sat on my desk being played with for far longer than I thought he would before going in the display cabinet.
3. FC Data. There's something special about your first, but this one again has a lot of poseability and bang for the buck with the two heads.
4. TMP Kirk. First EXO-6 Kirk, and the sculpt is great. Not so sure about the hair paintup being so gold. I'd probably rank him higher if he was less "scene specific," coming with a couple different outfits or his away team gear or something.
5. Mirror Sulu. Just that headsculpt. Perfect.
6. FC Picard. It's a great figure, it's just that I feel like Sisko does the same uniform just a wee bit better.
7. Q. I love Q. I love this headsculpt, the way the neck works. I feel like the robes feel a bit lacking, but can't really put my finger on why. He would be right up on top if he had come with his chair (and of course, I got one anyway), but this is as released, so here he is.
8. TMP Spock. Great likeness, great costume, nothing wrong, love the joined hands, just not a look that's particularly cool.
9. Mirror Spock. Great likeness, great costume, nothing wrong, just Mirror figures don't excite me.
10. Janeway. Of the VOY figures, she's probably the best.
11. EMH. What's up with the headsculpt? I dunno what happened here, but he doesn't look great.
12. Tuvok. Wonky eye. First really bad misstep.

10-12 also likely that way because VOY is my least favorite of the "original" Trek shows. If there's one set I'll likely sell at some point, it's these.
Wait… people are complaining about the Sisko head sculpt? It’s pretty close to perfect.
What could the complaints possibly be???
Sisko clearly the best. Janeway should not be so low- I think the simplified hair is knocking her down abit
Sisko clearly the best. Janeway should not be so low- I think the simplified hair is knocking her down abit
The sculpt of Janeway is let down by the paint. Someone here did some slight mods and was night and day what the sculpt could have been with more paint detail.
Now that there is a small break in releases this seems like a good way to fill the gap.
It’s okay to rank figures that one doesn’t own or hasn’t seen in hand, but this information should be shared in the ranking to provide context.
With that said, here is my personal ranking:

1. Sisko
2. Mirror Sulu
3. TMP Spock
4. TMP Kirk
5. Data
6. Mirror Spock
7. Saru
8. Tuvok
9. Picard
10. EMH
11. Burnham
12. Janeway
13. Q (Q is the only figure that I do not own, but now I feel like a completist and will probably pick him up. He will possibly creep past Janeway and Burnham once I see him in hand.
Since this post I have added both Seven of Nine and Q to my collection…so…time for an update while I wait for more figures to be released!

1. Sisko
2. Seven of Nine
3. Mirror Sulu
4. TMP Kirk
5. Data
6. Mirror Spock
7. Saru
8. Tuvok
9. Q
10. Picard
11. EMH
12. Burnham
13. Janeway (I would drop her down to 27 if I could)