You bring up some good points but for me I would say F13 has just not aged well. I'd say Nightmare on Elm St and especially something like TCM just seem tighter, better acted and with some sort of budget. First time I saw TCM, for example, was in my late 30s and it is still a scary movie. Would any adult watching Friday the 13th Part II, say, be horrified by the events portrayed? I love Jason and I still really enjoy the endings to Parts III (fight with Jason and dream sequence) and Part IV, but overall the movies are just garbage. Especially anything that came after IV. A lot of it is pretty much unwatchable dreck. The reboot beats most of what came before in at least being watchable, much as I hate lines like "perfect nipple placement" or the scene with the hick and his mannequin.
Well put, I don't think I could sit through any of those movies today where as Tcm is still watchable