I seen many movies, and most of them I forget about quite easily, but I saw Django the other night and I have to take my hat off to Quinton Tarantino, Django is the best time I have had at the movies in a long time, I found my self being astonished by the action scenes, horrified by a few scenes to laughing my a--- off. For me this is what movies are suppose to be about. entertainment. When I want to see a movie with deep meaning that causes me to think. I rather watch them in privacy so I can re-wind if need be and put sub titles on so that I don't miss anything. anyways the only movie I will list is Django, again I am not the biggest Tarantino fan, but I take my hat off to him on this one, I can't remember the last time I had this much fun at the movies. I like this even better than the Avengers.