1. The Amazing Spiderman
2. The Amazing Spiderman
3. The Amazing Spiderman
4. The Avengers
5. The Avengers
6. Chronicle
7. Chronicle
8. Chronicle
9. 21 Jump Street
10. Dark Knight Rises
11. Project X
12. Ted
These are the movies I only care to list, anything else was either meh, or I forgot about.
(Multiples count for repeat viewings at the theater)
The Hobbit twice
The Dark Knight
The Avengers
Hunger Games
Snow White & The Huntsman (wish I hadn't bothered with that one)
Took my little one to a number of kiddie films to. I don't know what I enjoyed most out the 1st 3 mentioned though?
Sherlock Holmes Games Of Shadows. I see it listed but I thought that was last year so add that & Jack Reacher made it in as the last film I'll see in the cinema in 2012. Enjoyed it to
1. Dredd
2. ??
3. Beyond The Black Rainbow
4. The Avengers
5. The Dark Knight Rises
6. Skyfall
7. Silver Linings Playbook
8. The Raid: Redemption
9. Cabin in the Woods
10. Taken 2
Bottom 5 waste of time and money:
5. The Hobbit
4. Dark Shadows
3. Breaking Dawn Part 2
2. Breaking Dawn Part 1
1. The Dictator
Will be seeing Django Unchained and still need to catch End of Watch. One or both will complete my top 10.
1. The Avengers
2. The Hobbit
3. Prometheus
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Looper
6. The Expendables 2
7. The Hunger Games
8. The Cabin in the Woods
9. The Amazing Spider-Man
10. Ted
I only saw 13 movies this year and I'll rank them in order:
1. The Hobbit (2) 2. The Avengers (2) 3. The Bourne Legacy (2) 4. Dredd 5. John Carter 6. TDKR 7. The Amazing Spiderman 8. Ted 9. Promethus 10. Battleship 11. MIB 3 12. Wrath of the Titans 13. Rise of the Guardians
Though it wasn't that bad, I don't care if I ever see Rise of the Guardians again, but I own every single one of the others and will buy Dredd when it comes out.
I've seen 24 movies this year in theaters. In order:
1. The Dark Knight Rises
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
3. Looper
4. Avengers
5. The Grey
6. Killing Them Softly
7. Skyfall
8. Lawless
9. Chronicle
10. Ted
11. 21 Jump Street
12. Prometheus
13. Amazing Spider-Man
14. Cabin in the Woods
15. Argo
16. Men in Black III
17. Man On A ledge
18. The Raven
19. Taken 2
20. Life of Pi
21. The Phantom Menace
22. The Watch
23. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
24. Act of Valor
I still haven't seen Django, but am hopefully going tonight.