I Personally was never ever intending to sell my Hot toys, that is the only thing I have or that I used to have before I started collecting DC and Marvel die cast figurines.
I checked for "SOLD" items on ebay and unsold items as well as retail prices and other prices in the board AND also how much I paid for the items. Then after revising all, I tried to set a price (NOT based in need because I am not in a need of selling them) that was lower than the "SOLD" on ebay, "fair" to the market value, "close to retail" but "less or a bit more" than what I paid. In the end I ended up listing all my figures there in the thread for less than what I paid. Considering that I traded 8 clones for the Secret Project and Leonidas, that puts them both at $415 each, now look at my post and you will see that the secret project is not even $300.
I started offering free shipping because I wanted to get rid of the other figures before I posted my HT
I do see some sellers asking crazy prices, that happens specially with overseas sellers (no offense) but I also imagine their currency is higher than ours and that they paid high shipping and import costs, thus adjusting the price.
I listed my Mark VI battle damage ver. for $400 because the less popular mark IV sells for that all the time. I paid $300 for mine + $20 shipping, so as you see my profit margins arent those of scalpers.
Look for example at LT Jim, I listed it for a price that gives me around $80 of profit. the thing was shipped to me for $268 and it is almost impossible to find it now. on ebay it has "SOLD" for $400 and will keep rising!! Thus I decided to sell lower than ebay to appeal to the community.
Of course there will always be smartass buyers who will look and look for THE ONE that ended up lower among 100 higher and be like "oh see, it sells for $300" lol.
I had buyers also asking me to settle for prices, I have refused them because my prices are fixed. I cant be taking up more losses.
I paid as you saw almost $400 in trade for the Secret Project, which I love that figure to death, and the dude wanted me to ship free and take $20 off. The buyers need to understand that prices are set sometimes because that is the fairest price the seller can take to not incur in a big loss.