Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
Highlander 7/10
it was good, I expected something a little more epic, I don't know, I liked it, good solid performances, it just felt a little anticlimactic at times, I guess since they had to cover so much story that was a given,
I am a Huge Queen fan, I started to like them when I was 5 years old, I would play my dad's tapes, yet the soundtrack for this movie was very distracting and a little annoying, kinda felt out of place at times, I guess this is why you don't give the soundtrack job to one single band, I always wondered how movies would be like if only one band play all the songs, is not a good thing
I dont know why they want to remake this, like Total Recall the point and the charm of the movie is the old look the cameras gave movies back then and the actors, the remake will probably be flashy and everything smooth looking, and it will probably suck