The Impossible - 8/10
The one based on the 2004 Tsunami, with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor.
The wave was amazingly well realised, hard to believe people weren't killed in the making of the film. The rest of the film was quite touching. You kinda forgot that this wasn't a typical Hollywood disaster movie where there's usually some sort of second and third act of destruction. The devastation happens early and everything else is dealing with the aftermath, very well done. Hadn't seen the film before.
I also couldn't help but think that the way Naomi Watts gets cut to ribbons in this film is pretty much exactly how she should have ended up in Peter Jackson's King Kong.
3/10 it is.
Also the only decent fight in the whole film was the first one with Bane.
The one based on the 2004 Tsunami, with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor.
The wave was amazingly well realised, hard to believe people weren't killed in the making of the film. The rest of the film was quite touching. You kinda forgot that this wasn't a typical Hollywood disaster movie where there's usually some sort of second and third act of destruction. The devastation happens early and everything else is dealing with the aftermath, very well done. Hadn't seen the film before.
I also couldn't help but think that the way Naomi Watts gets cut to ribbons in this film is pretty much exactly how she should have ended up in Peter Jackson's King Kong.
Wayne becomes completely retarded, the drop is deserved.He quits over a woman who was banging the bad guy. Regular nobodies are figuring out his identity even though he hasn't been Batman for 8 years. Comes back, and within a week falls in love with the villain trying to murder him. Decides to quit again when she's dead. Runs off with the only other woman who's ever tryed to murder him. (also stole the pearls Joe Chill wanted to steal and murdered both his parents over) She is like the female Joe Chill and instead of associating it with the worst kind of criminal he wants to **** her? Blakes the one that figures out Bane's plan. Bruce supplies the Nuke that holds Gotham hostage, Bane's tanks for locking down the city, and gives Catwoman the bike she uses to murder Bane. Falls in love with the woman banging Two-Face, falls in love with the woman banging Bane, falls in love with the woman who tryed to murder him. None of the women love him back but he's willing to throw away his life at a moment's notice for any of em. Guys got a serious fetish problem. The World's Greatest Detective ladies and gentlemen.
3/10 it is.