Just saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night. Some what disappointed. Left out alot from the book. Some one important like Dumbledore needs a funeral scene. A low 7/10.
i'm about to sit down and read the books for the first time. my goal is to read all of them straight through before the next movie comes out.Two days from today will mark the 2 year anniversary of the release of The Deathly Hallows. I really need to read my books again. I read the series for the first time from March - July of 2007 and have not read them since.
Casino - 8/10 - Good mob story with classic narration. Was a big drawn out though.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - 6.5/10 - Very meh movie, worst of the bunch so far. FX were good though. How could Dumbledor not tell Snape was evil???
Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon 8/10 really enjoyed this slasher flick. Had some great humor and original concept.