I know I know I was dumb for not watching it earlierit's just that a friend has been nagging me to watch this cartoon and I always discarded it cause she's kind of an otaku so I thought it would be like one of her usual animes where everybody is super good looking and cool and indifferent.
But I was so wrong, this cartoon is a master piece it makes me LOL and it gives me feels and it's extremely well written.
The live action movie gives it no justice, at all.
That reminds me...
The Last Airbender - 2/10 utter crap. Might be biased due to being a fan, but the plot made no sense, characters were flat, and just horrible acting all around
Yeah, it was a bad movie even when I didn't know anything of the lore, but now that I'm in love with the cartoon, I feel alienated by it![]()
I feel they should reboot it with Guillermo del Toro.
Or just any director that knows what the hell he is doing
Seriously how can you condense 20 half hour episodes in only a hour and a half movie is beyond me
I want to buy this retro gem; this & The Last Starfighter have eluded me for quite some time now.Krull- 8/10 - The FX are dated, but this flick is what fantasy is all about. Still a fun movie to watch with a great soundtrack.
Winter Soldier was better than Guardians? Oh oh, I'll really lower my expectations then. I can't honestly score Winter Soldier very high. I thought it was too long and had enough clichés to make my cringe multiple times. VFX were hit and miss, story was "meh" - though I knew what to expect there after watching the SHIELD TV show.
Also, wrt to WS, when did Captain America become super-human? He's supposed to be extra strong, but not so strong that he can survive things a normal human could not and certainly not throw someone across the room or through a wall. Which brings me to another issue - inconsistency. In one scene he's got Superman-like strength and then in another he's having relative difficulty putting down an ordinary man. With the strength shown in some scenes, he'd be able to split someone's skull with a single punch. I call that lazy story telling. The movie just seemed like an awkward collection of action sequences stitched together with wooden acting and dialogue.
It was still much better than both Thor movies, Iron Man 2 and 3, plus all non-Marvel Studios Marvel movies.![]()
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 - 5/10
It was an ok movie, it did have that Micheal Bay feel but over all it wasn't as bad as I expected. The look of the turtles also didn't bother me all that much
like I thought they were. Now I will say I went in with zero expectations and a free special screening ticket. So with that Im glad I didn't pay for it.
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8.5/10
Again I knew nothing about these characters and went in blind and walked out really impressed. It wasn't perfect, but it was a great film. The characters were cool
and the plot was good along with making it tie into the other films. A solid film, even my wife who said it looked stupid came out loving it.