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I still like all of them, but the first one is my favorite. The only thing that bothered me a little bit (which had to do with my own expectations, not the film's fault) was....(12 years spoiler ahead :lol)
At the end of the first film, we see Neo with his new powers telling the Matrix or the architect,

""I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries, a world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you." Then he puts on the sunglasses and flies away like Superman.

And I was like, whoa! He's going to wake people up because he's the one, and it's all part of the prophesy and blah blah blah...but that never happened :lol In part 2, he was still fighting new agents so his new powers were irrelevant again. Then, it turns out he wasn't the first chosen one? There were others before him? Then, the whole plot evolves into Neo fighting Smith again because he (Smith) was taking over the Matrix, so in the end Neo had to work with the Matrix and make a deal with it, therefore when he beats Smith again, the Matrix doesn't kill the humans in the underground city, which means everything stayed the same as it was before :lol That's my only issue, nothing changed in the end, and Neo (the one) never defeated the Matrix, like I thought he would.

Actually that is what Neo was doing after The Matrix, I think Morpheus makes a reference to it in Reloaded which is why upgraded agents were made. I think Reloaded takes place 6 months after the first Matrix, and during that time Neo was going around waking up a bunch of sleepy heads.

And a lot changed at the end, pretty the answer to Cypher and Morpheus' problem of people who are not ready to be free came to fruition. People who want to live in the fantasy life and not wake up can, those who now want to be freed also can.
Stupid because it crossed the threshold by trying to be uber serious & ended up being piss funny. :huh
But what threshold? What is threshold? How do you define threshold?

It's the Matrix! It's messing with you now...they're listening :horror I'm out of here :lol

I'm awakening.

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Going off from memory as I haven't seen the Matrix films in a long while:

The Matrix - 10/10
The Matrix Reloaded - 8/10
The Matrix Revolutions - WTF/10
Predestination 8/10

A time travel movie with a paradox within a paradox within a paradox within...well you get the idea a complete mind bending experience .

VICE 2/10

Bruce willis at his absolute worst, avoid.

The Hobbit (5 Armys) 8/10

More of the same but nothing wrong with that if you like that sort of thing :)
Whiplash - 9/10

Holy crap was this movie good. Miles Teller should have got a nomination for this, I thought his performance was just as good as J.K. Simmons’.
Maleficent - 5/10 - Not as bad as I thought. Too much CGI, too many voice overs/ narration, and not much of a story. And the moral of the story, men are evil or useless, and women are better of living with other women happily ever after in a Men-free land :lol Overall, somewhat entertaining, but forgettable...