I hate using decimal increments in scoring films, but with District 9 I feel like I have to make an exception. It grasps at greatness, doesn't quite reach them.
No, it wasn't life-changing or genre-defining or anything like that. Just a solid, beginning-middle-end script,good editing/pacing, good performances, serviceable-competent effects and....
...this summer, it has the added virtue of not being a sequel, based on a toy or a television show!
The Karate Kid - 8/10
It's a little cheesy, but it's still charming and funny after all these years. The remake has it's work cut out especially as Pat Morita's Mr Miyagi is such a perfect character
I had seen it before, but had completely forgotten about it all i have to say is WOW! 10/10 for me Bale killed it as Jim he really showed why he is so famous.Everything was perfect not what I expected but in my mind perfect!