The earlier sequels are masterpieces compared to the crap JW is.
Even JP3. At least it had a ton of practical effects.
The earlier sequels are masterpieces compared to the crap JW is.
I caught Re-Animator tonight for the first (& last) time, on TV tonight -- 5.5 / 10.
I'm just not a fan of these kinds of movies. I know it's a cult classic, so I thought I'd give it a burl.. man. lol It actually started off kinda well; good enough acting, a somewhat interesting premise, but then it just got predictable - & DUMB. It kinda reminded me of From Dusk Till Dawn - & not in the way that you'd think. As I said, it started off alright, then BAM! It got terrible real quick.
A schlock fest that had potential, but it was dressed up in all that cheesy 80s gore & silly black humour, that I just sat through it for the sake of watching it once.. but never again.
I keep seeing that on a retail site I check for great cult films, it's the one with the face getting sucked into something on the cover.. right?I recomend you to watch restored unrated cut of "From Beyond" (1986).
It's from the same crew but much less trashy and humorous, plus much closer to Lovecraftian atmosphere.
I don't remember.I keep seeing that on a retail site I check for great cult films, it's the one with the face getting sucked into something on the cover.. right?
Watching Bone Tomahawk. Man was I not prepared for that gruesome scene about an hour and a half in. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Ha ha hellz Yea give's a whole new meaning to cowboys n indians.Excellent movie.
Tonight I saw Avatar again on a huge screen with a 3D projector - **** all y'all I still like that film. No one seems to have a good word to say about it anymore - stolen ideas, derivative, cliched, preaching - don't give a ***t. Very enjoyable film.