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Guess it can't be great for everyone. Personally, I'm glad it struck the right chords with me, because I had a blast. I'm actually sad for any fan who didn't like this movie, because I'm afraid you may never enjoy Star Wars again.
:lol I actually keep the judging and scores to myself to post here or only if they ask me, I'm not as *********gy as I look here, IRL I just make small talk about the movie, I went with a chick, she liked it way more than I did but it was a good cinema going experience, the spectacle alone is worth the ticket.
Just as an aside.. it kills me that I haven't see SW EpVIII yet, just haven't had a chance to head down.

I've been steering clear of anything that has a whiff of spoiler so far, but all this talk around me in here is getting to be too much. :lol
RIPD: 6.75/10
It was fun. It’s an obvious rip off of Men in Black (although both are based on existing comics), and some Ghostbusters thrown in there as well. The effects were kinda cheap—CGI stuff looked rubbery. But I was able to overlook all of that because it was fun and engaging. Ryan Reynolds was good and had a couple of good lines. I thought he was right for the character and played him well. Mary Louise Parker was great as usual. And Jeff Bridges was great as well.
Well it took 10 years but I finally watched "A History of Violence."

Hard to rate because it was so damn visceral. But I will say that it was very well done. It's a crime that William Hurt isn't in more films these days.

As a movie? 8/10. Very enjoyable and entertaining. As a Star Wars movie? 5/10. I hated how bleak the galaxy has become since the happy ending of RotJ and Luke's role in the movie. I'll wait and see how the next ones address the unanswered questions and my rating may change. But based off just this one? EU > TFA.

But it was entertaining!
I see what you mean K07. A bit late to the party, but I just saw SW EPVII tonight -- 7.5 / 10

I haven't had the time (or energy) to participate in all the related threads lately, but my first time thoughts are basically that I enjoyed it for the most part. Some things they got really right, & some were either just nostalgia grabs, missed opportunities, or just general fails. I actually thought the last scene was magnificent.
Rocky V - 6/10

I thought this was as good as the others up to a point. Got a bit silly in the last third. Still, I don't feel like my time was completely wasted. Got the impression from all the Rocky 1 callbacks that this was originally intended to be the last? I know Stallone wasn't happy with it though hence Rocky Balboa, which obviously I will watch next.