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Dirty Grandpa. This is absolute garbage couldnt even finish skip this trainwreck i have lost respect for Deniro after watching this.

He sure has loved making bad film after bad film for more than a decade now.

American Psycho - 7.5/10

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: 7.5/10
Prometheus: 8/10
Leon the Professional: 8.8/10
Walk the Line: 8/10
Dirty Grandpa. This is absolute garbage couldnt even finish skip this trainwreck i have lost respect for Deniro after watching this.

I didn't read their whole review, but IGN's summary of their review was "Dirty Grandpa is a nasty, unfunny comedy about horrible people." That's pretty definitive.

I had the rare privilege recently of introducing a friend who doesn't watch many films to the Star Wars trilogy last weekend. For his edification, I obtained some copies of the 1993 Laserdisc releases. Having not seen the films myself in quite some time, and certainly not having seen them without all of Lucas' CGI bobbins polluting the screen since I was about 8 years old, it was like I was watching them for the first time again too.

A New Hope - 9/10
Empire Strikes Back - 10/10
Return of the Jedi - 7/10

Empire being the closest thing to an utterly flawless movie I've ever seen, coupled with a massive nostalgia rush, means this may be the only 10/10 I'll ever award. I'd love to give Jedi more points - it has some of the most stand-out moments of all three films - but then the Ewoks happen :ohbfrank:

One thing's for sure, I now take a much dimmer view of the prequels than I did a week ago...
Howl - Ugh/10

All I wanted out of this was for a werewolf to bite somebody's face off and it never even came close. A few nice images of wolf-y people with glowy eyes walking around in the fog.

Creep - 6/10

Very self-conscious found footage thriller. If that's not enough to keep you away, it's a great performance from Mark Duplass at the forefront most of the time.
I had the rare privilege recently of introducing a friend who doesn't watch many films to the Star Wars trilogy last weekend. For his edification, I obtained some copies of the 1993 Laserdisc releases. Having not seen the films myself in quite some time, and certainly not having seen them without all of Lucas' CGI bobbins polluting the screen since I was about 8 years old, it was like I was watching them for the first time again too.

A New Hope - 9/10
Empire Strikes Back - 10/10
Return of the Jedi - 7/10

Empire being the closest thing to an utterly flawless movie I've ever seen, coupled with a massive nostalgia rush, means this may be the only 10/10 I'll ever award. I'd love to give Jedi more points - it has some of the most stand-out moments of all three films - but then the Ewoks happen :ohbfrank:

One thing's for sure, I now take a much dimmer view of the prequels than I did a week ago...

We all have different opinions obviously... but Empire is one that across the board (no pun intended) should always get a 10/10. Otherwise, you just hate great film making.
We all have different opinions obviously... but Empire is one that across the board (no pun intended) should always get a 10/10. Otherwise, you just hate great film making.

I have one simple rule when rating things - reality is fundamentally imperfect, therefore nothing ever gets a perfect 10. I love Empire so much, I'll make an exception.

Films still haven't caught up to this, it's honestly timeless.
FLIRTING WITH DISASTER. Ben Stiller Patricia Arquette Tea Leonii a lot of good stars in this film. I dont know how to rate really a crazy story of Ben Stiller looking for his real parents but with a lot wimsy antic's along the way. I guess mayba rate a 4 because great casting but lots of weard action's of story during film had me yelling WTF ??? Worth a watch a quick short messed comedy.