It was such a surprise, wasn't it?! I took my Daughter to see it, and I think I liked it more than her. It had an innocence to it that you don't see in many movies anymore, and it took its characters and subject matter seriously. Good acting, Directing and the characters werent one note cardboard cutouts. They could have made the "villain" a evil caricature, but they just made him a normal guy who maybe made the wrong decision one day. it's almost hard to believe this was a big studio summer movie.
It was SUCH a surprise. Absolutely not your usual cash grab remake with phoned in performances that cater to the ADD generation. Everyone brought their A game, it's almost a slow burn but you're never "waiting for the movie to start." It grabs you from the opening scene and doesn't let go.
Great point about the "villain" not being a caricature. No one was. The kid who played Pete was fantastic.
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