Rogue One - 6.5/10. Movie was okay. K-2SO was awesome. The last part of the movie was amazing.
Quite a few meh reviews of it in here.
And the usual suspects that give 9/10 to everything.
Dammit I knew I should have given it a 10!
Well you know good films so I'll take your word for it.
I still need to get around to seeing Force Awakens, and with the negativity of that around here my opinion of it will probably be tainted.
TFA is a really great SW flick, but RO is just a great movie hands down.
It seems like it's mostly this board that has a problem with TFA. Hell, it's held on a pedistal other places around the web (reddit, tumblr, etc.)
Yeah, I definitely don't recall any middle ground here for TFA. Either they loved it or hated it.
Batman Returns: 7.5/10
Well you know good films so I'll take your word for it.
I still need to get around to seeing Force Awakens, and with the negativity of that around here my opinion of it will probably be tainted.
I saw it again recently and gave it a 7. It's got some major problems, but it's still above the Bat Nipples films. I feel like it got lost in the Gotham politics too much and there was not enough Batman in it, or at least good scenes with him. Aside from him fighting Catwoman to using the Batglider, I find the film fairly boring.
Although, love that version of the suit and I go back and forth between that and the 89 version as of late on being my favorite.
Let's also not forget alley cat bites resurrect the dead.
That's the thing, if I ever gave a rating for TFA (not sure I did) it would probably have dropped now once I allowed my own issues and other people's issues to gestate.
I'm optimistic about this one though. I can't think of anything I'd change, there wasn't anything that pissed me off.