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Rogue One: 6.75/10

Had some really good moments. And I appreciate the ballsy ending. But a lot of it still felt flat and by the numbers. And shoehorning in as many old school Star Wars characters and references as possible felt pretty cheesy and unnecessary at a certain point. Though obviously, that is now Disney's MO with these films being so nostalgia driven.
Rogue One: 6.75/10

Had some really good moments. And I appreciate the ballsy ending. But a lot of it still felt flat and by the numbers. And shoehorning in as many old school Star Wars characters and references as possible felt pretty cheesy and unnecessary at a certain point. Though obviously, that is now Disney's MO with these films being so nostalgia driven.

There are others that have mentioned some of the original characters shown felt forced but for some reason I never got that vibe. Which ones did you feel were cheesy? About the only ones I can think of that were a stretch were the two Jyn bumped into that caused trouble in the ANH cantina but maybe I missed some others.
Had some really good moments. And I appreciate the ballsy ending. But a lot of it still felt flat and by the numbers. And shoehorning in as many old school Star Wars characters and references as possible felt pretty cheesy and unnecessary at a certain point. Though obviously, that is now Disney's MO with these films being so nostalgia driven.
Pretty much. Not to mention meh actin' from the main cast.
Rogue One: 6.75/10

Had some really good moments. And I appreciate the ballsy ending. But a lot of it still felt flat and by the numbers. And shoehorning in as many old school Star Wars characters and references as possible felt pretty cheesy and unnecessary at a certain point. Though obviously, that is now Disney's MO with these films being so nostalgia driven.

Pretty much how i feel. Although i didn't mind the the extra nostalgia characters as that was the only thing keeping the movie going IMO. Was disappointing to say the least.
Sing - 3/10

Took my 8 year old Daughter to see this, knew it wasn't for me, but I had no idea how painfully boring it would be. She looked bored too, but said she liked it.

Movie took itself far too seriously, the lack of humor really felt off-putting.
The Santa Clause 2 - 1/10 We've been watching bad movies on VHS on the tube tv in the collection room. Lots of fun. This movie sucked.
Inception - 9/10
I think Nolan is playing a trick on the audience and the whole story...the going home to the kids idea and the mission that will get him home is all a dream and I think Nolan had clues in the story to suggest that. The kids might not even exist in reality, just a fantasy. Crazy.
Suicide Squad. 5/10

I tried it again...since I was so jaded in the theater...figured it was worth another try......But even at home on my comfy couch .....I ended up checking SSF's after a while.

1. Nice beginning to show flashy bio's on each character that disappear so fast you cannot possible read them.
2. Harley's ass is in this movie more than the Joker is. SOOO many ass shots...
3. Which is probably a good thing, Lets FAILED, tried to hard and ended up with an annoying Joker, who is not menacing or worthy of remembering. ow did he get 2nd billing??
4. Tried to hard to make Will Smith likable as a mas murderer. He should have just been a bad guy...period.
5. Totally stupid CGI bad guy.
6. Sound track was awful.....such random music.....totally disconnected from each other.
7. Not one villain was really done well. El Diablo was closest to acceptable.
8. Harley constantly rambling on about how she is "bad".
9. Flag (Kinneman) looked emaciated.....scary distracting thin.
10. Serious studio meddling is pretty apparent , the bad editing can be seen especially about 1/2 way through.

For the record I really like most of Snyders films, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead remake, Suckerpunch ( and even think MOS is OK)...I liked all of those. BvS was crap.

Personally , Ayer screwed the pooch here....I am sure assisted by the asshats at WB who obviously are interfering with the DC films.

Film Recap



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Suicide Squad. 5/10

I tried it again...since I was so jaded in the theater...figured it was worth another try......But even at home on my comfy couch .....I ended up checking SSF's after a while.

1. Nice beginning to show flashy bio's on each character that disappear so fast you cannot possible read them.
2. Harley's ass is in this movie more than the Joker is. SOOO many ass shots...
3. Which is probably a good thing, Lets FAILED, tried to hard and ended up with an annoying Joker, who is not menacing or worthy of remembering. ow did he get 2nd billing??
4. Tried to hard to make Will Smith likable as a mas murderer. He should have just been a bad guy...period.
5. Totally stupid CGI bad guy.
6. Sound track was awful.....such random music.....totally disconnected from each other.
7. Not one villain was really done well. El Diablo was closest to acceptable.
8. Harley constantly rambling on about how she is "bad".
9. Flag (Kinneman) looked emaciated.....scary distracting thin.
10. Serious studio meddling is pretty apparent , the bad editing can be seen especially about 1/2 way through.

For the record I really like most of Snyders films, Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead remake, Suckerpunch ( and even think MOS is OK)...I liked all of those. BvS was crap.

Personally , Ayer screwed the pooch here....I am sure assisted by the asshats at WB who obviously are interfering with the DC films.

Film Recap




And how did you give this a 5/10?

I personally can't see this movie being more than a 3/10

Very entertaining time-travel fantasy thriller/10

The twist is revealed in three stages, and the first two make the final one pretty obvious... but it was a good romp.
Why Him? - 4/10

Il admit there is some personal bias in this one. While I definitely have conservative sensibilities, I'm no prude. I enjoy a good raunchy comedy every now and then if its all in good fun. But there is something about seeing some guy show zero respect for his perspective fiancé's parents or the clearly conservative morals that they hold (their teenage son isn't even allowed to swear or watch rated R movies) and tried to pass along to their daughter that just hit a nerve for me.
It would have been fine if they had poked more fun at the millennial BS of it all. But instead most of the comedy comes from her father raising legitimate concerns over this man's alarmingly amoral behavior and the effect it is having on his daughter, and for it he is portrayed as over the top and controlling; with the boyfriend never once corrected for his actions or worldview. But all of his past actions become irrelevant in the end because he demonstrates some very basic human decency.

It wasn't even all that funny.

Imagine "Meet the Parents", only with Ben Stiller purposely doing all of the things that accidentally happened around him.

I know its just a movie and sorry for that review veering into rant territory, but sometimes things in films can get to you.
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And how did you give this a 5/10?

I personally can't see this movie being more than a 3/10

Well, for me, 5/10 is a typical Hollywood film. You need to work really hard to get a 3/10. 2/10 is barely watchable nonsense. (Sharnado). If that was not so funny to behold it would be lower.

I cant think off the top of my head of a 1/10. Maybe some SyFy or Lifetime films.

It was at least filmed well, with some decent acting , and you could see a decent story under all the production and interfearance.

If I make it to the end of a movie it almost is always guaranteed a 4/10

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