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See the original 1982 international cut and 2007 final cut

The one I watched ended with Deckard and Rachel leaving his apartment and him picking up that little paper Unicorn - which I presume was the tease that Deckard might be a replicant?

I've heard reference to a narration before but there was none in the one I watched - unless they mean the text at the beginning of the movie...
The one I watched ended with Deckard and Rachel leaving his apartment and him picking up that little paper Unicorn - which I presume was the tease that Deckard might be a replicant?

I've heard reference to a narration before but there was none in the one I watched - unless they mean the text at the beginning of the movie...

you watched the Final or Directors cut...see the other one with narration...its got some differences

.. :lol
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: 6.75/10

I've detailed my initial opinion in the dedicated thread. But in summary, I think it's pretty well made apart from some issues with awkward humor and pacing. Cinematography and effects were top notch, and acting by many of the principles was as good as we've seen in Star Wars post-Empire. Story is a bit of a problem, though, and some characters like Finn and Chewy feel like dead weight at this point. They get bonus points for their willingness to take risks, even if I wouldn't have made all of the same decisions Rian et al. did.

The Darkest Hour: 8.5/10

Extremely well made in many respects. My main criticism is that it was a bit overly sentimental at times. But this is the movies, not a dry, historical accounting, so what are you gonna do? Oldman, Stannis Baratheon, and Danny Rayburn were all outstanding.

Timecop 1994: 4/10
Pretty sure that's the first R rated film I saw in the theaters. . .I didn't hate it at the time, but it's been quite awhile.

'The final cut' I believe it said. What's the best one?
That's subjective, but the one you saw is the one Scott had pretty much total control over. So, that's his vision, as of the time it was released. . .the question is, is it the vision he also had at the time the film was made? And not sure about that. There is probably some Lucas-like historical revisionism there. Personally, I like that version the best, but wish they would take out the unicorn dream--which Scott didn't film until he did Legend a few years later--uand make that part more ambiguous.

The one I watched ended with Deckard and Rachel leaving his apartment and him picking up that little paper Unicorn - which I presume was the tease that Deckard might be a replicant?

I've heard reference to a narration before but there was none in the one I watched - unless they mean the text at the beginning of the movie...
The studio forced Ford to do a narration before the first theatrical release, because they didn't think the audience would understand what was going on. The first theatrical release also had a less ambiguous, "happy" ending. And missing the unicorn dream of course, so not as clear a reason to consider Deckard a replicant.
The Last Jedi- 3/10: Well filmed but incredibly inept storytelling with a lack of understanding of Star Wars.

American Assassin- 6/10: Well filmed action sequences and an interesting plot, unfortunately the the lead Dylan O'Brien lacks charisma to carry the entire movie.
Downsizing 7/10

interesting concept of a movie, good performances, and it was entertaining with some humor, but i felt it lacked a little fulfillment at the end. It felt like there was going to be a moral to the story, but there really wasn't any other than the human race sucks.:lol
Gremlins 2 - 7.5/10 With it being 1990 and the height of 80's fashion/style I think I like it more than Gremlins. Plus Gizmo is cuter and plays a larger part.
Gremlins 2 - 7.5/10 With it being 1990 and the height of 80's fashion/style I think I like it more than Gremlins. Plus Gizmo is cuter and plays a larger part.

The only thing that’s keeps the sequel from being better than the original is the Gremlins were actually threatening and scary in the first film....

They were pretty much just a running joke in the second...

I hope for another one....always....where the Gremlins are murderous and frightening...

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I'm personally grateful that we have at least one 80s franchise that hasn't been rebooted yet.

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Back to the Future being another one.

Thanks for the info on Blade Runner by the way.

I've now seen 2049. Pretty good. Although I've never been a big BladeRunner fan it was always a film I wanted to love like others do and I thought it had enough merit to revisit every once in a while to see if my own age and maturity had any bearing.

It's almost hard to believe that one of these highly belated sequels actually hasn't ended up being ***t. I wouldn't really know what to criticize about it. Like the first film it has stunning visuals and music and it broadened the world and the story nicely.

Loved the very end when Vangelis' original theme came in as K lay down (to die presumably?) - definite goosebump scene.

So yeah, a really nice duology here.

edit - I'll add that 2049 is definitely my favourite of the Villeneuve films. I actually just had to google him to see what else he's done that I'd seen

Arrival - nahh, didn't like.
Sicario - ehhhh, it was fine as I recall
Prisoners - I do remember enjoying this one but I'll still go with Bladerunner as Sci-fi is my preferred genre

and I haven't seen any of his others.
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Finally saw Kingsman Golden Circle and definitely feel like the first one was way better. A lot of this story was just ridiculous in not a good way. Some parts were entertaining but most of it was just too far gone.
I feel that Fury Road was also an excellent sequel (of sorts). That and 2049 are the exceptions to the rule, though.

Oh yes, forgot about that. Again, for whatever reason the Mad Max films weren't on much in my house when I was a child and they didn't really imprint on me. However Fury Road seemed like a good film to me and subsequently I went back and watched Road Warrior and Thunderdome....alas the original was a bit too far gone for me, I don't think I made it through the whole thing. :monkey3