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Endgame-8/10 the middle bored the hell out of me the ending blew me away ...infinty war was better as a whole maybe it will grow on me

Glass-2/10 boring isn't even the word I'm looking for turned it off half way through and had no desire to finish it
Endgame-8/10 the middle bored the hell out of me the ending blew me away ...infinty war was better as a whole maybe it will grow on me

Glass-2/10 boring isn't even the word I'm looking for turned it off half way through and had no desire to finish it

Should have been called “The Horde” and labeled as the Split sequel in the Unbreakable universe.
Avengers: Infinity War - 6.5/10

I can see why people are so impressed with the way it merges eleven years worth of characters together, but it just doesn't do much for me. Thanos comes across as a basic villain to me. The whole "kill millions for the greater good" thing has been done so many times, particularly in the last few years. Just because he gets an entire movie to brood over his decisions, doesn't make them (or him) any more interesting.

Avengers: Endgame - 8/10

Now I'm impressed. It's not perfect (add another year to my superhero movie fatigue since Infinity War, plus I still think Thanos is a boring villain), but the fact that

Marvel Studios were able to tie a neat bow around nearly every storyline and motif from the last twelve years is worthy of recognition. The film is both a powerful climax and greatest hits retrospective all in one.

A satisfying payoff to a journey I still can't believe lasted this long. I'll be more selective with which entries I see after this. Looking forward to watching smaller movies with more relatable stakes without the impulse of completism.

Winter Soldier remains my favorite entry in the MCU, if that says anything.
Avengers Endgame - I'll go 8/10 at the moment. Might go higher on future viewings or on the other hand it might drop, I don't know. I feel strange about this one as the hours have passed. I certainly enjoyed it while I was watching - my ****ing legs were shaking uncontrollably during the final battle from the tension.

I was fully expecting Captain America to die - not before wielding Thor's hammer - but I thought he was a dead man for sure regardless. Very surprised it ended up being Iron Man given his 'almost death' in Infinity War.

Also pretty surprised at Black Widow's demise, I knew nothing of that and wouldn't have predicted it.

Professor Hulk and Fat Thor....I laughed when they wanted me to laugh, I did....and yet I have misgivings about those. I think we all kinda want traditional Hulk rage hero moments and this film had....none at all to my recollection. I assumed Hulk's lack of appearance in the Wakanda battle was because they were saving him for something special in this film and I'm afraid Professor Hulk didn't really cut it. And Thor...again, yes I do laugh along - as I did in Ragnorok...but I also can't help but be very aware that the character didn't start out like this and I feel like it is such a shift that it should be noticeable to the other characters in the films. If new jokey Thor was acknowledged within the movies I might find it more acceptable but right now it's registering as an inconsistency to me. And I really would have had the hammer restoring him to his peak appearance - I thought it was a bit silly seeing beer-gut Thor fighting against Thanos.

Cap's ending was bittersweet. I was glad they didn't kill him but his decision to essentially retire and what he did with that retirement raises questions which I'm not sure they'll ever address.

I loved the Back to the Future II part of the film, particularly the New York stuff. The Thor 2 segment was funny but again, they were lucky to retain any pathos at all with the jokey/clown version of Thor they're running with now. The stuff with his late mother was good and yet possibly could have been even better if they'd taken those scenes a bit more seriously :dunno

What else....oh, is this the first MCU movie to kinda sorta recognize one of the TV shows by including the Jarvis actor from Agent Carter as Howard Stark's chauffeur?

That is all for now
Yep, I knew nothing beyond what was in the trailers or the ''Lets go get the bastard'' scene they released. Anything they deliberately put out for us to watch I watched. It's normally safe to do that. Terminator Genisys was an exception.
Yep, I knew nothing beyond what was in the trailers or the ''Lets go get the bastard'' scene they released. Anything they deliberately put out for us to watch I watched. It's normally safe to do that. Terminator Genisys was an exception.

Sweet. Yeah when I went back after seeing the movie and watched the trailers I had avoided I was surprised to see that they really didn't give anything away at all.
I had one thing spoiled for me on another site.. read it
before I knew what it was.. but it was actually something I was expecting,
so no real harm there....a few things did take me totally by surprise...

No spoilers... but, wow, it was an epic movie...the ending really was awesome..

I'm glad I saw the movie before anything else could have been spoiled for me..
I saw it last night.. Monday the 29TH... In a way it's a letdown...all the years
of build up are over.... I felt the same way after seeing the final Harry Potter
movie in Summer 2011...but what a ride!
Endgame 9/10 - it wasn’t perfect however it felt both like an event than mere movie and more importantly a conclusion. 11 yrs in the making and I wasn’t disappointed...over that time frame for most building towards this moment was cool.

On its own merits a decent popcorn movie/10; as a capstone to one of the great franchises in cinema history, a beautifully balanced and lovingly produced finale/10
Batman 89 9/10
While everyone’s seeing avengers for the 3rd time I finally got a chance to see one of my favorite movies on the big screen. It was amazing ! Looked great and I look forward to seeing the rest of the movies in theaters.

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Sometimes its good to be wrong

Spiderman : Into the Spiderverse 8/10
Rewatchability 7/10

I was early on the train of not wanting to see this due to the choppy animation style and the new take on Peter.

Boy was I wrong. It did take me about 15 minutes to adjust to the style and another 15 minutes to be blown away by the creative animations.

The story was heart warming and funny, albeit predictable in a few spots.

I could have done without the Pig, but I understand the reference....

Very well done story.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Batman 89 9/10
While everyone’s seeing avengers for the 3rd time I finally got a chance to see one of my favorite movies on the big screen. It was amazing ! Looked great and I look forward to seeing the rest of the movies in theaters.

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Totally got blindsided with this being in the theater in May. I was expecting it to be in June when the movie originally came out so I missed it. :gah: I really wanted to see it on the big screen again since the last time was 30 years ago opening day. Hopefully somebody will rerun it next month.
Batman returns 9/10

Another one in the theater ! Absolutely loved it, gorgeous mysterious creepy sexy. The theater was well packed and they all reacted like it was the first time seeing it. Very engaging. It’s like I stepped in a time machine and watched it opening weekend in 92!

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