Had a bit of a marathon yesterday (I didn't want to pack anymore

Burn After Reading 8.25/10 It was funny, well acted and had that crazy, wtf ending like many Coen Brother's movies have.
Quarantine 7.5/10 Not bad for a horror flick. Definitely had it's moments...though rather predictable.
Choke 8.25/10 Funny dark, dark comedy written by Chuck Palahniuk. Really well acted...very twisted with some good surprises.
In Bruges 8.5/10 Another twisted, funny movie. Great acting, beautiful location and fantastic dialogue.
Resident Evil Degeneration 6/10 Well I didn't have huge expectations on this....and I'm glad I didn't. Boring, predictable and for today's standards...pretty crappy animation. Looked like video game from several years ago. Ok for some RE filler, but on it's own it's pretty weak.