RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Meh, I saw it on cable so I had no investment and enjoyed it for what it was. I actually though it sucked less than the F13th remake.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Piranha - 6/10...the movie was pretty terrible....but some good looking ladies :wink1: I'm sure its a lot better in 3D
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt. 2: 7 /10. It was entertaining to see but nothing out of this world. Too many WTF moments mixed with great scenes.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Cowboys and Aliens 8/10. Nothing surprising, no twists, and I could have done without Olivia Wilde's character (not that she's a bad actress, I just thought the addition of her character hurt the story), but a very fun mashup of mostly 1 1950's western (they got that part right), and a 1950's bug movie (with the usual plot devices).
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Dinner For Schmucks - 7/10

Despicable Me - 7/10

The Kids Are All Right (2010) - 0/10
I was able to watch about 10 minutes of this before contemplating suicide by whatever would kill me the fastest. Thankfully, simply changing the channel sufficed. This film is like an advanced, futuristic sex change procedure that eliminates the need for surgery because I don't know how any straight guy could still have a functional weiner after watching this holy grail of boring, gab for hours, chick-flick.

I'd rather watch a non-stop marathon of just Predators and Uwe Boll movies than this piece of ____. I'd rather cut my own throat open with lead laced paint chips and watch my blood dry than sit through more than a couple minutes of this garbage ass movie.

"The Kids Are All Right" but my eyes, ears and brain aren't and still hurt after only 10 minutes of exposure to this cinematic gamma-radiation.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

[The Kids Are All Right (2010) - 0/10
I was able to watch about 10 minutes of this before contemplating suicide by whatever would kill me the fastest. Thankfully, simply changing the channel sufficed. This film is like an advanced, futuristic sex change procedure that eliminates the need for surgery because I don't know how any straight guy could still have a functional weiner after watching this holy grail of boring, gab for hours, chick-flick.

I'd rather watch a non-stop marathon of just Predators and Uwe Boll movies than this piece of ____. I'd rather cut my own throat open with lead laced paint chips and watch my blood dry than sit through more than a couple minutes of this garbage ass movie.

"The Kids Are All Right" but my eyes, ears and brain aren't and still hurt after only 10 minutes of exposure to this cinematic gamma-radiation.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Insidious 6/10. It's a weird movie, because there are parts that are quite good (I particularly like the main 'monster' design), but then other goofy, silly aspects are introduced that drag it down to mediocre.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Captain America - 8/10 I really enjoyed the movie, Marvel put out 3 great films this year, Even though I liked the other two more, Cap was still awesome and I'm sure the Avengers movie will be great. Now I just need to get the Red Skull's car into my garage somehow.

I also am changing a prior rating. The farther I get away from it, the more awful Transformers becomes. I had it at a 3/10, but now I give it a 1/10.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Captain America - 8/10

Enjoyed it very much. 3D wasn't spectacular, but I thought it was all around really good. Better than Thor, but not Xmen.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Captain America - 6/10
Not much of a Cap fan... I dont like the actor that played him ether that said he was ok... The one that really took the show was Hugo as Red Skull very cool...