I don't get that at all, but to each their own....it was good for me - liked it, didn't love it
Exactly why I decided to post my comment. The great thing is that you guys here understand that not everyone has to agree and that differing opinions make for a better conversation. I thank you for that.
In actuality, maybe it deserves a 3 or 4 out of ten but I knocked 1 or 2 off for the disappointment I felt when I walked out of the theater. Either way, my issues with the film remain the same. I guess more than even TPM, it reminded me of how I felt after seeing Indy Jones KOTCS.
Damn, I really wanted to like it too.
Can't look at my Gandalf PF (my favorite PF) anymore without thinking of a guy on a bunny sled now. Just keeping it real.
Exactly why I decided to post my comment. The great thing is that you guys here understand that not everyone has to agree and that differing opinions make for a better conversation. I thank you for that.
In actuality, maybe it deserves a 3 or 4 out of ten but I knocked 1 or 2 off for the disappointment I felt when I walked out of the theater. Either way, my issues with the film remain the same. I guess even more TPM, it reminded me of how I felt after seeing Indy Jones KOTCS. Love the main characters (even to the point of incorporating their philosophies into my own beliefs at times) but their incorporation into a film that doesn't work for me, is almost like finding out that Santa Claus isn't real or something. Whatever. Taking this too seriously, I know. Just thought I should explain more.
Damn, I really wanted to like it too.
Can't look at my Gandalf PF (my favorite PF) anymore without thinking of a guy on a bunny sled now.
Unfortunately... 7,5 / 10....
Is that a good or bad thing? 7.5 isn't a bad score.
Can't look at my Gandalf PF (my favorite PF) anymore without thinking of a guy on a bunny sled now.
Necromancer/Dol Guldur mentioned in the novel though not as much...No Witch-King mentioned at allDid he ever get on a bunny sled? That was that other guy. I don't see how that was an sillier than whispering to a moth to get a ginormous eagle to save you. If the eagles hadn't been in LotR, that would have been a huge WTF head scratching moment and would have been the ultimate deux ex machina. But since I was familiar with them and there was the moment with the moth before they came, it was an awesome escape scene and it didn't take me out of the moment at all like it might have otherwise.
And TPM and KotCS don't affect my enjoyment of the originals so I hope this one doesn't ruin LotR forever for you. This story is older and was lighter in tone so not sure how people could be let down. It was actually much darker than I thought it'd be.
Are the parts with the witch king and the Necromancer from the novel, or is that an addition to link this to LotR?
A 58 on Metacritic. A nice real world non fanboy score.
Compared to a 92 for far superior Fellowship.
Are the fanboys giving The Hobbit a good or bad score in general?
Are the fanboys giving The Hobbit a good or bad score in general?