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Arkham Knight 8.5/10
Art Design
Doing non-tank Batman stuff around city
Replayability (thank god they cut down on the trophy # and made it easier to hunt them)
Bosses (most were just tank fights... was severely disappointed when they even made the Deathstroke fight a ****ing tank battle. Otherwise, I didn't actually mind the tank THAT much)
Could have been easy 9.5 if they just gave us real boss fights instead of tank fights.
It is, and honestly, if you've played any Assassins Creed since the 2nd one (or any action rpg really), this almost feels like a copy and paste. It's a well made game....but little to no innovation. It all comes down to whether you're into the setting and characters... the latter being extremely boring.
I'd like a little more interactivity with the robots in the next one. Maybe a little Shadow of the Colossus style climbing on the big ones...or maybe even a hack ability that lets you control them first hand.
I have a love hate relationship with Arkham Knight. My three big issues were the Arkham Knight's identity, the slightly over-reliance on the car, and the lack of mission variety/boss fights. Maybe my expectations were too high.
I do think it's my least favorite of the trilogy (with Asylum being my favorite) and I've come to accept the game as it is, flaws and all, but even then there's no denying it's an incredibly solid game. I still find myself replaying it from time to time.
I played Silent Hill 2 from start to end for the second time. I don't know if it's me or what, but Silent Hill was always one of my favorite series as a kid cause it terrified me. But I realized how easy it really is. The story is still amazing but I feel like the gameplay isn't all there.
And now I started Silent Hill 3 again and omg is it boring in the beginning.
I have a love hate relationship with Arkham Knight. My three big issues were the Arkham Knight's identity, the slightly over-reliance on the car, and the lack of mission variety/boss fights. Maybe my expectations were too high.
I do think it's my least favorite of the trilogy (with Asylum being my favorite) and I've come to accept the game as it is, flaws and all, but even then there's no denying it's an incredibly solid game. I still find myself replaying it from time to time.
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Hearts of Stone, Blood in Wine all for the first time in one go. 10/10 great story, great gameplay, tremendous visuals. The perfect package.
Good gravy, someone else besides me on SSF has played this game. I wish our friends in the VG section had the patience for it.
Silent Hill's gameplay has always taken a back seat to story and presentation.
Good gravy, someone else besides me on SSF has played this game. I wish our friends in the VG section had the patience for it.
Yup. I get the impression that Konami reduced the budget with each sequel. Thus Silent Hill 3 reusing same areas as SH2.
Mario Odyssey 100% - 8.5/10
Legend of Zelda BOTW on switch - 8.5/10