Resident Evil 6-
Well,... I have a lot to say about my thoughts on this game.
I grew up with Resident Evil. I played the very first game back in 1996 when I was 12 years old. My cousin had it on his computer and he let me play the beginning part of it. I remember screaming out loud when the dogs jumped through the windows in that infamous hallway. (He got a kick out of that

I knew I had to buy it so I was able to get it for my Playstation that same year. I never owned RE2 but I rented it from good old Blockbuster back in the day and beat it and loved it.
Some of my fondest memories though were of RE3:Nemesis. I
did own that game and to this day it is still my favorite RE game. I have played and beat all the numbered RE games with the exception of Resident Evil 0. I got quite far but a glitch in the game made beating it impossible and I never got around to finishing it.
I also have beat Revelations as well.
1-3 and even to a degree Code Veronica are my very definition of RE and I hate the direction Capcom has taken the series. I'm also not that big of a fan of the movies.
I've gone to see them with my friends, but don't get me wrong, they're just for fun and not to be taking as great RE films. I hate the character of Alice and how she is super human. That's not what RE is to me...sigh.
I decided I didn't care to own RE6 based on reviews and how much I disliked RE5.
But I've been an RE junkie for so long. It felt wrong to miss out on a game when I've played all the others so I finally decided to buy RE6 for almost pennies off of Amazon about a month ago.
I literally just beat the 3 main campaigns 10 min ago and have yet to do Ada's campaign but I feel I can give a fair review since I've seen what most of the game has to offer. Plus I just need to get this off my chest.
I went in ready to hate the game. Let me tell you how I feel...
RE6's campaigns all intersect so I jumped around following the timeline. It was interesting to see events from one story, and then go to another story and see the different views on those events and how different characters got to where they are.
The story was able to make a cohesive plot and it reminded me of Dead or Alive 5's story.
IMO, they took what pissed me off about RE5 and fixed the issues I had. No longer do I have to stand still while aiming. That made a big difference, both in RE6 and Revelations.
Another problem I had with RE5 was Shiva. She was an idiot and I felt I had to constantly baby sit her! In RE6, you don't share inventory items with the coop partner, which is great! Plus your partners are incapable of dying.
I can't tell you how many times I'd be doing fine and making progress, and then Shiva dies and now I have to restart everything!!!
Also I thought all the new characters: Jake, Pierce, and Helena where great newcomers to the franchise whereas I just wished Shiva would die. But then I'd have to start missions over again...
The gameplay, to me, was fun. The characters were great, graphics were awesome and the voice acting was top notch.
I'm actually quite surprised in myself because I really liked the game and as a longtime RE fan I'm not sure what that means. I definitely liked it as much as Revelations if not maybe a hair more!
I do miss the old scary RE's but I came away from this game VERY happy. The plot was interesting and moved the overall RE story forward in positive ways.
IMO this was an improvement over RE5 in every way. Forgot to mention that there were actually night time missions as opposed to RE5's all daytime missions.
Only real nitpick was that Simmons keeps coming back after you "beat" him...
Leon's campaign was the last one I finished and I thought Simmons was dead and I was looking forward to what else the game had in store for that particular campaign. Only to find out he's back! Although I will say his ending scene was outstandingly done. RE fans MUST have loved how he finally dies!
RE5- 2.5-3/5
RE6- 4-4.5/5
Revelations- 4/5
Can't believe this is how I feel...