Resident Evil Remastered - 8/10
Solid release, but Capcom left some things unpolished and didn't add any extra modes or weapons.
Solid release, but Capcom left some things unpolished and didn't add any extra modes or weapons.
Resident Evil (Gamecube Remake) (PS4).
Some minor technical issues aside, this is a near excellent port of a near excellent game. The pinnacle of not only survival horror, but also the (declining) series.
Resident Evil: Code Veronica - 5.8/10
I used to love this game, what happened... I couldn't enjoy it at all
Resident Evil Remake - 8.5/10
Beautiful, probably the beast RE game so far. After RE5 and 6 its hard to believe such a good game like REmake was made by capcom
Dying Light - 9/10
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 PS4: 9/10
Pro evolution is back baby!! This year I finally decided to switch back to PES. Back in the day I was a PES/winning eleven elitist and this was way back when FIFA football was crappy arcadey pinball machine junk. But I sort of jumped ship for fifa 10 onwards because of the much improved gameplay that put PES to shame.
Glad to announce PES 2015 is legitly good.
These are the major plus points Konkani got right:
1) Controls: PES 2015 controls are so dam tight and responsive. The left stick dribbling is very very intuitive and responsive. None of the clunky FIFA 3 speed dribbling crap. I'm not sure what FIFa 15 is like but in FIFA12, which is the last one I played, you need to hold down three trigger buttons in different combinations to activate the three different dribbling speeds. With PES, you can pretty much just use the left stick to dribble your way around like a pro using real football dribbling techniques like change of direction and change of speed to attack the space and beat your marker. That being said, players with a lower dribbling stat will still feel clunky which is a good thing which means we can expect Messi to feel like Messi and Andy Carrol to feel like Carrol.
2) AI: Team mates are suitably smart. Defensively they cover well and offensively they make good runs. I've played this game for a number of hours now and so far I've not experienced any dumb AI moments. Also, all the teams play very differently. So things feel very fresh.
The negatives:
1) Licensing is once again VERY VERY poor. It's merseyside red vs merseyside blue type of scenario. And some important teams like borussia Dortmund is missing which means some players like marco reus only appear in the national team.
2) Overall presentation is still behind FIFA. The main menu screen even froze once for me due to a server connection issue. For some strange reason when you edit your settings, the game needs to constantly reconnect with the konaminservers and sometimes is HANGs!!
Conclusion: Despite these glaring issues which are probably deal breakers for some, the game simply plays far too good. It'll be a 10/10 if Konami can polish it up a bit more.
Haha yeah, totally wasn't expecting as great of a time as I did. I would give it an 8/10, controls were a little floaty for me.Apotheon on PS4:Based on what this game is,i give it a 10/10.
Man,i had so much fun with this side scrolling game.Everything about it,Greek Mythology,the music fits perfectly,the controls.This is without a doubt the best side scrolling game ive ever played since my old NES games as a kid.
Very atmospheric and fun.
I believe it's still free on PSN for PS+ members too.