Ok, here it goes, believe me or not I know this is true just because I am or was a skeptic whenever this sort of thing happens.
So I'm maybe about 14-15 years old and have a buddy of mine that I come over and visit because we used to play ball in school and afterwards. We also collected sport cards and memorabilia. Anyways he's always said that they had a ghost in their house and that you could hear it coming up the stairs from the basement and knocking on walls throughout the hallway. This ghost would also move stuff and hide stuff like coffee mugs, chairs, certain china pieces they had around their house on display.
Ok so me being skeptic and all I never believed any of this stuff. Well one day I call to come over and everything it cool and regular going. I knock on the side door inside the garage and he's mother says come in. So I come in through the screen door and she's cooking in the kitchen. She says Robert is down stairs listening to music, etc... I'm like "Ok" and begin walking downstairs to the basement. Well we're a bunch of heavy metal headbangers back then (I am still to this day

) but I hear Pantera playing on his home stereo surround sound system, very nice which I may add he always spent a lot of $$$ of the home stero, and I'm looking around for him. Usually he's sitting on the recliner while listening to music and just jamming. Well Robert is no where to be found so I go looking in all the rooms and nothing. There's always a smaller room in every house that has a staircase that is finished that goes underneath the stairs that is usually small and used for storage. So I'm thinking, he's messing around with me and just trying hide and sh... Anyways this room has a bunch of his collectibles, cards, statues, etc... Here's my big mistake, before entering the room, I shut the door behind me. To the left I hear something move away from me and now in my head I'm like this has to be Robert, who else is in here with me. So I hear some more scuffling around and bumping stuff and a lil laugh (sort of like a snicker but muffled). I'm in the room flaring my hands around saying "I know you're in here punk, come out ^^^^^er". Ok, so me running around in circles in this room guess what happens....
Robert opens the door and says "WTF are doing, mom said you were down here..." He was in the restroom upstairs and just came back down to listen to more music
No one else is in the room with me, once all lights were turned on etc...
