Sorry Irish, I had to do it
no offence meant.
I'm allergic to people who are not famous.
Dude, the serious work of patrolling the city leaves little time for such a frivolous hobby. When they aren't doing their work, they are free running and recruiting sidekicks.Bet a few of them are on this board!!
Category: Social Activist
Activity Level: Confirmed Active (CNN)
(Possibly Retired)
Identity: Secret
Notoriety: Medium
Arch Enemy: None
Region: Mexico City, Mexico
Organization: Unknown
Superbarrio promotes the rights of workers and the poor in mexico.
(Due to the very real risk involved in doing this in Mexico, we have decided that he deserves to be listed here.)
"I can't stop a plane or a train single-handed, but I can keep a family from being evicted."
They have Superbarrio listed,
I'm in the UK so I know nothing about the gun culture in the States, but aren't these people worried about getting shot and killed? The Uk has a big problem with knife crime, with people being stabbed for no other reason than kids being douche bags. Aren't these people just adding to the problem?
I'm in the UK so I know nothing about the gun culture in the States, but aren't these people worried about getting shot and killed? The Uk has a big problem with knife crime, with people being stabbed for no other reason than kids being douche bags. Aren't these people just adding to the problem?
That whole website is a joke right? I mean can those people seriously be for real? I'm scared.
I'm in the UK so I know nothing about the gun culture in the States, but aren't these people worried about getting shot and killed? The Uk has a big problem with knife crime, with people being stabbed for no other reason than kids being douche bags. Aren't these people just adding to the problem?
Bet a few of them are on this board!!