Sure it does. Or, rather... it WOULD. The problem is that (so far) Sideshow's choices of 3rd Tier characters have been lazy and safe (i.e., all they amount to are simple headsculpts and clothing) and have lead to some VERY boring figures.
Tell me people wouldn't much rather have Greedo, Hammerhead, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, other creatures, or even some heroes in Hoth gear over yawners like Endor Rebels, Praji, Antilles, Piett, and on and on...
If Sideshow has to ditch background characters due to lack of sales or enthusiasm it's their own damn fault. Because they've either been mis-firing on their choices... or they're just not up to the challenge of producing 1:6 figures that are outside of their comfort zone.
The line has been around for how many YEARS now? And not a single damn droid, wookiee, or anything else iconic that screams "Star Wars" but can't be done by simply sticking a new headsculpt on a Buck. Ridiculous.