Red Dead Redemption

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Always good for sure. :goodpost:

I'd love to see DLC continue, as long as it's free and used to incentivize a new puchase instead of wating for used.

Which is probably smarter than what's been done in the past.
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ArghhhhhHHHHHHHH!!!! Still deciding if I want it for 360 or PS3!!!!

Conscience I hate you!

Well, I cancelled my pre-order for the 360 version and switched it to the PS3. Not because one system is better than the other, mind you, but because a lot of my local friends who only have PS3s intend to buy the game now.

Sony is also reporting that the game will have some free unlockables for Playstation Home, if anyone cares about that stuff.
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I think that one was posted before but what the hell still worth another watch. :lol
I just read an article that said the PS3 version will be inferior to the 360 since Rockstar is exclusiviely developing for XBOX. I think its just hear say, but I wouldnt doubt it since its a port.
I just read an article that said the PS3 version will be inferior to the 360 since Rockstar is exclusiviely developing for XBOX. I think its just hear say, but I wouldnt doubt it since its a port.

We'll know for sure when the reviews start coming out cos IGN etc normally say if one is inferior.