Red Skull IS HERE!!

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I actually am warming up the pics with the cube. Still probably would pose him with the staff though.
I'm not feelin' it... :(

Yeah the face does not seem as sinister as the proto - hopefully just the angle or lighting of the second picture:

Yeah the face does not seem as sinister as the proto - hopefully just the angle or lighting of the second picture:


exactly! I shot it a little under eye level, but it definitely has that sinister look, I just don't want to post anymore pics, it was a hassle enough already! Is there a better and faster host out there than imageshack?
I think Photobucket, eventually the image gets removed or if too much bandwidth is used they stop hosting it. If you use the Freaks Gallery option the image will always be here as long as the board is still here and there are no bandwidth issues.
exactly. should his head be down more? something's changed.

It looks like the brow/forehead on proto is a little more narrow and tilted downwards more, but as some have said, maybe that's just the camera angle. I'll reserve judgement when I get mine in hand, but everyone that has received theirs seems to be happy so far. I just think the skull looks a little more "round" than what I was expecting, but again, I'll reserve final judgement till I get mine in hand.
Yeah the face does not seem as sinister as the proto - hopefully just the angle or lighting of the second picture:


And on second glance, I think this is another case of the flash doing a poor job of highlighting the image. I think the proto looks more sinister because it has more shadows, which the flash shot competely takes away.
Looks like a gay red skull...

I thought the same thing after seeing this pic.


Glad I passed on the EX. He dosen't look menacing at all. Those eyes look like a love glare.

I hope stephan is right, I may have to put RS on the bottom shelf. Which sucks.

Wheres that disco cube of his? IMo, I prefer the pimp stick.