No swastika on the arm band ?... I guess SS wants to be politically correct.
Actually that would make them politically INcorrect. The nazi party is a political party, which the Red Skull was apart of. So by leaving out the swastika, they were being political incorrect. It would be like using a cow instead of a donkey for the Democratic Party.
But yeah, it was at Marvel's request. Which I don't get. Red Skull was a Nazi. No amount of tinkering is going to change that. Captain America was created to fight nazis and so his arch-nemesis was a nazi. Yes Nazis were bad, but they existed. I don't think they should be covering up a character's past like that. I just pray they don't make the Red Skull a 'generic German soldier' in WWII for the movie. I mean everyone watching will know he is a nazi by the time period. Trying to avoid saying he is a nazi would only draw more attention to the fact he is a nazi.
Its a personal pet peeve of mine. Its one thing to leave it off of a kid's action figure, but a $300 statue aimed at adult collectors? He should have been historically (and politically) accurate.