Red Sonja PF!!

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Thanks buddy :) appreciate the kind words :hi5: hey, I'm just your everyday collector who is enjoying this hobby while it lasts cos unfortunately I know it wont last forever :( and I just love getting excited as much as anyone else when a new piece is unboxed for the first time and everyone is on the edge of the seats to see the first pics :lol :lol and I've not even ordered the Sonya PF! hahahahaha!

Always good to be positive about things, especially after the first initial inhand pics of it never tell the whole story :exactly:...we all know there will always be something to nit-pic on with any statue so that's never gonna go away but its still good to remain positive for those who are still waiting for theirs to arrive :) as for this piece, well I've got to say that it looks epic...and that's regardless of her having a fake tan or not!!! :lecture :lol

By "everyday collector" you must mean you have something new everyday! :panic: :panic::panic:

I kid, buddy! Nice seeing you around here man!
Congrats to everyone who recently received their shipping notices, and to everyone who has her in hand the pics look great ( even with the tan).:rotfl
A couple of outdoors shots to show true color under natural light.


I like the group Pics Jedi. Very fun
Thanks man. I was hoping you guys would enjoy it. Will take a few DSLR pics when I get a chance. Those were all taken with my Note 3
That image is scary. Looks like she is possessed. Well, Halloween is coming up, so I guess it fits. Lol.
Seriously! Itd like the images of the demon that flash every once in a while in the original Exorcist

View attachment 135846

Great pictures and a really nice layout you got there Jedi . But I really want to know exactly were did Vader's light saber end up.
Lmao you don't want to know. I'll give you a hint though, look at how Vader's body is positioned ;) lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon