He’s 19 yrs old in this...... a kid. The voice acting in the original was was cheesy but that was part of its charm. That’s what kids sound like today. He sounds like a 19 yr old
I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you. He literally sounds fifteen. My biggest problem with this reimagining is that Crapcom seems to forget the wise old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." They are completely changing these characters' behavior and personalities for no reason. That's not Leon. That's not his mannerisms. That's not how he held himself. He was inexperienced but confident.
They're changing things that didn't need changing. Once again, "if it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT". It's fine if everybody on here disagrees but to me this is like a poser pretending to be RE2. The chief looking for Sherry when he only mentioned her in passing in the original, now he's giving off fat pedophile vibes...what dafuq?! Are they cutting out his dungeon too? They're already completely changing his character and motivations.Then there's Marvin's location being changed for no reason, Birkin spazzing out like a crackhead freak, Ada's stupid new outfit, Claire's pointless and generic redesign. They're changing SO MUCH that was already perfect as it was. I'm fine with them adding new story beats like the REmake on the gamecube did, but this doesn't look or feel like RE2 at all. It's an imitation made by people who obviously don't like the original. It feels direspectful to people who love RE2 in my eyes. I'm literally insulted that they're rewriting my second favorite game of all time with such carelessness and what seems like contempt for the real RE2.
Seriously, for me, the direction is horrendous from almost everything I've seen so far. The way the character's monologue during gameplay totally breaks immersion. Everything's too dark and a dull boring grey. RE2 was a very colorful game, which gave it personality, especially compared to the first Resident Evil.
You can't just make a reimagining of one of the greatest horror games ever made and expect that it won't be compared to the original game, which was nearly perfect, except for the scenario system being sort of lazy with the whole "doing the same puzzles in both scenarios breaking continuity" problem. Even the voice acting in RE2 is still pretty damn good. There's a few line deliveries where they could have done another take, but nothing is actually cringeworthy. Now I'm cringing at both our leads, because Claire's emotionless and Leon's TOO emotional in the new footage. But in the actual RE2 the actual storyline, game path, and story scenarios, enemy designs, along with the writing and pacing of the game are still fantastic. That's why I can still play it 20 years later and only have nitpicks about it. The reimagining isn't even out and it's making me cringe in embarrasment at the amateur directing choices and laughably terrible voice acting. It's almost like they're just trolling.
Sorry for ranting, but this is something I take personally, because RE2 is very dear to me. I don't want to hate what I'm seeing with this reimagining, but I can't help but feel like all the talent already left crapcom years ago and there's nothing but hacks left to develop their games.
All that said, I still have the deluxe version preordered and I'll be playing it on the day it's released, just to see how bad of a dumpster fire it's gonna be. I can already smell the smoke...