Re: Resident Evil 5 xbox360 gameplay footage
I can only extract the first of the 5 files.

Tried a couple different extractors and got errors messages. What am I doing wrong?
Not sure. Did all five files download completely? The program I use is Winrar and it can be pretty picky about that stuff. All five would have to be completely downloaded before any could be extracted.
edit: Found complete instructions. Hope this helps....
Complete Instructions
1) First BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE create an empty folder, anywhere it doesn't matter where just make an empty folder with any name you wish.
2) Download All 5 parts from the link provided by the original poster. Do nothing else until you have all 5 files. Make sure that all five files are saved within the New folder that you created and when you have them all proceed to the next step.
3) The next step will vary depending on what extraction program you use. You NEED a program such as Win RAR that is capable of extracting .RAR files, just plain old winZip won't do. Now, once you have this program that you need right click on PART 1 and select EXTRACT HERe. This will ensure that the extracted file will appear within the folder you have the 5 parts in. The extraction process at this point should make a new folder appear called "Content" if this appears there is no need to even touch any of the other 4 parts as your extraction program already finished with them as well. If you now have the "Content" folder, you are ready to move on. If you do not, something has gone wrong or you have just plain ^^^^ed up, start over NOOB!
5) The next step is simply getting the data onto a disc which could be problematic depending on what you use for a burning program. I cannot give very good instructions since everyone is likley to use some different programs. What I can confirm is that you cannot use the default burning program that you use by simply hitting burn within Windows, you have to use something dedicated to Data such as Roxio or something along those lines. Secondly make sure that your burning software is set to make a DATA disc. Also make sure that it kknows the disc is just for one time use meaning that it will close the disc when finished making the disc playable in any disc drive. Once the disc is done burning, move on to the next step.
6) You're almost there. Next is just a precautionary measure just incase MS would ban people for using a back door to obtain this demo, as it is kindof shaddy wheather you want to admit it or not. DO NOT SIGN IN TO XBOX LIVE. In fact to be safe I'd recomend unplugging any cable or at the very least just create a non live profile just to be safe. Wouldn't want anyone to get BANZORED!!!!!
7) Now in this spare profile, insir your disc. It should show up as MIXED MEDIA DISC if it does not something has gone wrong. If it does show up go to MY GAMES (the same place you'd go to load any other demo in the NXE (just go to demos if you don't have NXE for any reason. If all has gone well the beutify 5 logo should appear next to some japanese text. Congratulations! You've done it and are ready to play!
8) Also the demo is all in english believe it or not so you won't have to worry about being confused! I know these instructions are a bit over detailed but this is for those who are not used to doing this kind of thing. I will confirm though that this meathod does work.