Super Freak
I'll have this tomorrow from Gamefly. It's gonna pretty much be my first RE game, so I'm looking forward to it.
Controls are the same as the demo.
really??? well if you get into the story i definitely recommend trying the older ones.I'll have this tomorrow from Gamefly. It's gonna pretty much be my first RE game, so I'm looking forward to it.
I'll have this tomorrow from Gamefly. It's gonna pretty much be my first RE game, so I'm looking forward to it.
I would, only problem is I know the others would scare the crap out of me, so that's why I never played them.really??? well if you get into the story i definitely recommend trying the older ones.
Yeah I'm expecting to get lost at times, but it's all good. I'm mainly just looking forward to playing a good action game cooperatively with my friends.Well don't be surprised if you get lost. You may not understand a lot if you didn't play any older games. I haven't played the game yet so I'm not sure how much of the older games may be referenced in this one.
i notice a little bit of difference, but not much:
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Got mine.... but not without a fight~!
Best Buy employees don't seem to know their own policies concerning price matching. I am glad I printed out their policy because I knew I was going to have a problem getting what I wanted. They tried to refuse me 3 times until I had them call corporate. I didn't like being such a douche about it (espicially since the manager was so cute- Imagine Rosario Dawson from Clerks 2) but I had to get my discount.
The guy said he had been working their for a year and they had never done that. People give up to easy. Imagine how many people they have wrongfully turned away.
Who's selling it for $40? And where is an ad that I can bring in to my Best Buy/Wal-Mart?![]()
Wow. Just been playing it for past hour or so and...wow. Only at 2-1 now.
- stunning graphics: CHECK
- immersive gameplay: CHECK
- brilliant score: CHECK
- well executed co-op: CHECK
The co-op function was what I was most apprehensive about, having a character with you at all times, but it is executed superbly. Controls are ace and this is setting out to be a phenomenal game.
I know
ya bought cod5 sold it to get re5 then sell that to get cod5 back
why not just rent re5?
I got COD5 thinking I was got to have enough money for resident evil but with my daughters birthday party coming up it wasn't in my budget.So game stop offered me what I paid for it so I traded it in towards resident evil 5, a game I really wanted and that I'm going to keep and not rent. Now for call of duty I will get it later down the line after I recover from from purchasing everything for her party.