I got the NTSC Re5 a week ago. Its ****ing bull****
I dont know how you guys can play it. Cos i cant. I got stuck near the end of the 3rd level for about 2 days. The part where you throw sheva to the other buildign so she can come downstairs and open the door. She had no intention of coming down stairs once i threw her. She just stood there pointing and putting her gun down whilst surrounded by 10 majini. And even though i was shooting it wasnt good enough. And i just died at the start of the 4th over something stupid.
The PAL version is 1,000x better. If any PAL guys think she is retarded on our version they should play the NTSC. Also, the hit detection isnt as good and they also no-sell alot of the time. If somebody is swingign a spade at you in the NTSC you hit them but the animation continues and you get hit. I dont remember that happening in the pal. Sheva is also allergic to shooting in the NTSC. On top of that i noticed in a lets play that the bat/scorpion creatures has a different fighting pattern.
edit: Ive been on re3 for 40 minutes now and the rage has calmed down. (And got me hyped for my statue)