Resident Evil 6

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People on Xbox formed cliques in orc and every one was hostile towards each other like there's a whole bunch of Xbox drama and I loved every second of it.
People on Xbox formed cliques in orc and every one was hostile towards each other like there's a whole bunch of Xbox drama and I loved every second of it.

They do that in cod and halo aswell. Love Xbox drama, cod players especially actually go on tantrums when they lose.
They do that in cod and halo aswell. Love Xbox drama, cod players especially actually go on tantrums when they lose.

Also on PSN. In ORC they would stay in one place so you would have to go and find them.


That's why I hate playing with random people online. Plus, it sucks when it kids! :gah: I first mute them and or block them. I don't whats worse kids or adults forming cliques like Mean Girls.
I thought it was funny Ppl called each other hackers and boosters on it cause the game sucked.

RE5 Versus mode had those people. Some did glitch though. At the moment Tomb Raider is so bad.... ugh I wish I didn't need the trophies to get platinum. :monkey2 Worst multiplayer ever!
There were only three online games I was elite at without any need of assistance. Resident Evil Outbreak 1 and 2, and Metal Gear Solid 3 Online. Damn I miss them.
Capcom is bringing things back home. Keep in mind that RE6 was developed "in house" and look how that turned out. I'm gonna miss reboot Dante. It wasn't a bad game, as Capcom seems to imply, just an unwelcome reboot by most...alas. A return of the classic will be welcome.

Let's go Capcom, get your **** together.

"Excessive" outsourcing and poor marketing blamed for missed targets

Capcom hopes a return to in-house game development will improve the fortunes of the company, as it suffers a special loss of ¥7.2 bn ($73.3m / £48.1m) due to the cancellation of titles in development.

As it prepares to reveal full-year results that have come in significantly under target, the company has blamed "excessive" outsourcing for low quality games, as well as a slow response to expanding digital markets and poor co-ordination from its own marketing and development divisions.

The publisher of Devil May Cry and Resident Evil has more than halved profit forecasts for the financial year ended March 2013 from ¥6.5bn ($66.2m / £43.4m) to just ¥2.9bn ($29.5m / £19.4m).

Presentation material to investors shows that the publisher singles out a "decline in quality of titles outsourced to overseas developers". As a result the company has cancelled in-progress projects farmed out to third parties as part of a "strict" review that has found games incompatible with a new focus.

It also acknowledges the company had a "delayed response to the shift to digital media" in its home video game business.

Sales of Resident Evil 6 across consoles during the financial year are expected to be around 4.9 million - way off the original 7 million target, while DmC Devil May is expected to have shifted 1.1 million units of the estimated 2 million.

To address the disappointing year, Capcom has a three point plan to improve the business; strengthen digital strategies, raise game quality by moving more game development in-house and enhance co-ordination between marketing and development divisions.

At the end of the 2014 financial year it expects profits of ¥6.8bn ($69.1m / £45.4m) with net sales of ¥97bn.
"Excessive" outsourcing = Call of Duty?

and poor marketing blamed for missed targets??? This game was everywhere!!! It was like a Hollywood movie! It was over hyped.

Hmmmm excuses.