I feel like 2012 was the year of RE and custom projects. My will for creating customs has since pretty much died. RE2 Ada and Josh Stone will be my last. I'll admit I could've been done with Josh awhile ago. Just very busy and when I'm not, lazy
Kiva start your Rebecca custom! Keep the thread alive. You are our hope!!!
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I've been considering contacting Psycho for a Rebecca outfit though...and although there may be no hope, I may consider doing RE6 customs should HT not deliver in the next year or so.
whats with my customs?
Which RE6 customs would you make? Isn't it even worth making custom from that game?
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Your Rebecca custom is fine. You should just get rid of the rooted hair.
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i'm on it
you know what happend to my camera
claire re2 remake is next then after it i don´t know whats next.
maybe folklore sheva,excella ,stars jill, army jill, pre-bsaa jill, assigment ada or cv claire
i have the most parts for these
CV Claire!
Plus, any other outfit:
I'm still hopeful on a HT Claire. someday...
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Maybe... Make your own? pay someone to make the outfit for you.
HT is more into movie licenses.
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I've been considering contacting Psycho for a Rebecca outfit though...
CV Claire!